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Home » God the Ogre? 巨人な神?

God the Ogre? 巨人な神?

Who has seen the movie Shrek? Shrek was an ogre but can you think of any other ogre characters? If you have thought of something, what is the image of an ogre? Maybe you think of a large manlike monster and picture a powerful monster. If you didn’t know Shrek and his personality you might get the wrong image, like these guys…
(Watch clip of ‘Night near Shrek’s house’)
The men in the movie had fear of the ogre because he was big and powerful.



In English the definition of Ogre is a man-eating giant.
Translated to Japanese, it is a little different meaning as it connected to demon rather than giant.


I believe there are some people who look at God as an Ogre.

Now, I titled the message today ‘God the Ogre?’ but another way to put it could be ‘God the Tyrant?’. Tyrant might be easier to picture as our world has dealt with and still deals with tyrant leaders, like the one in our neighboring country. Tyrant is defined as “someone who has too much power and uses it in a cruel way”.


Firstly, Our God is NOT an Ogre nor Tyrant, but something more powerful and very loving. Now remember our God is to be feared but we will get to that shortly.
Additionally, Our God is NOT causing us pain, nor troubles, and he is not punishing us. Despite knowing that our God is not any of these things, some people still have that image of God as an ogre in the back of their minds. Some might think that because it doesn’t seem like he is just not there to help through problems.


Judges 6:12-13
12 When the angel of the Lord appeared to Gideon, he said, “The Lord is with you, mighty warrior.”
13 “Pardon me, my lord,” Gideon replied, “but if the Lord is with us, why has all this happened to us? Where are all his wonders that our ancestors told us about when they said, ‘Did not the Lord bring us up out of Egypt?’ But now the Lord has abandoned us and given us into the hand of Midian.”
士師記 6章12節から13節
12  御使いはギデオンの前に立ち、「勇士よ、神様はおまえと共におられる」と告げました。 13  ギデオンは答えました。 「初めてお目にかかりますね……。 どうか教えてくれませんか。 神様が共におられるのなら、なぜ、こんなことが次から次へと起こるんですか。 ご先祖から聞かされましたよ。 神様がエジプトから連れ出してくださる時、ものすごい奇蹟をいっぱい行なわれたとね。 なのに、今はどうです。 そんな奇蹟のかけらもないじゃありませんか。 もう神様は私たちを見捨てて、ミデヤン人にしたい放題をさせ、踏みつけるに任されるんだ。」

Sometimes, it might be easy to blame God. The good thing is God can handle being blamed and loves us anyways. The problem is when we have the wrong image of God or might be living in fear of some punishment. How could we go to God in prayer if we think God is responsible for our problems? That might be one of the biggest challenges for those dealing with pain and suffering in their lives.


In another way of mistakenly giving God the image of Ogre is because of the aspect of punishment. Discipline from God creates a challenge in our minds because we confuse it with punishment.


Hebrews 12:7
Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as his children. For what children are not disciplined by their father?
ヘブル人への手紙 12章7節
7進んで神様の訓練を受けなさい。 神様は、父親として当然のことを、子供のあなたがたに、しておられるのです。 父親から一度も懲らしめを受けたことのない子供が、どこにいるでしょうか。 

This verse in Hebrews is referencing and expanding on Proverbs.

Proverbs 3:11-12
11 My son, do not despise the Lord’s discipline, and do not resent his rebuke,
12 because the Lord disciplines those he loves, as a father the son he delights in.
箴言 3章11節から12節
神様に懲らしめられても、腹を立ててはいけません。 あなたを愛していればこそ、そうなさるのです。 父親がかわいい子供の将来を思って罰するのと同じです。

There is a difference between discipline and punishment.

I don’t want to talk about parenting styles or those differences, but punishment is the idea of getting a penalty or punishment for doing something bad. For example, being given a spanking because I did something wrong, therefore I should learn that I did something wrong. Again, not to say spanking your child is good or bad. My point is, punishment often just teaches ‘A fear of being hit again’ or ‘A fear of more punishment.’. Punishment is not how our God works.

私は、子育ての違いやその様式について話をしたくありませんが、罰とは悪事に対する罰則や処罰を受けるという考えです。例えば、何か間違った事をして、そのため私はお尻を叩かれますが、それにより私は何か悪い事をしたということを学びます。繰り返しますが、あなたの子供を叩くというのは、良いとか悪いとかを言っているのではありません。私のポイントは、罰は、多くの場合、ただ単に ”再び叩かれる恐怖” もしくは、”罰への恐怖” を教えてるだけなのです。

Discipline on the other hand, is the idea of teaching and training given by a parent. For example, being given a timeout might serve as discipline because it could give a chance to learn from my mistake. I hopefully can learn to handle the problem differently in the future. Discipline allows us to calm down and learn from the difficulties and hardships in our life.


Here’s what Pastor Andrew recently wrote about the difference:
Suffering for the Christian is never punishment. It might be a form of discipline but it is not punishment and there is a very big difference between the two. God disciplines his children out of love. This is really vital. Where there are corrosive sin habits that need to be addressed, God does not punish out of spite, He disciplines out of love. Mere punishment is not corrective, it does not lead to righteousness and it does not restore our relationship with God. On the contrary, Fatherly discipline given in love is corrective, it leads to righteousness and it restores our relationship with God. A loving discipline leads to godliness. This is what God provides.

It is incorrect for us to put blame on God for the difficulties we encounter. The problem is we sometimes just think of discipline as a form of punishment and don’t look at what can be learned.


You can find many verses in the Bible that say ‘fear God’. The men in the Shrek movie feared the ogre because he might kill and eat them. Shrek didn’t actually touch the men but he threatened them of the power he had and they ended up running away in fear. Some questions for you, When you are driving on the highway and you see a police car, do you check your speed or are extra careful because you fear being pulled over? Or when you are in class at school writing a test, would you look over at your neighbor’s test answers if the teacher was standing right beside you? So, If we have fear of God, would we deliberately sin right in front of him?

Luke 12:4-5
4 “I tell you, my friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body and after that can do no more. 5 But I will show you whom you should fear: Fear him who, after your body has been killed, has authority to throw you into hell. Yes, I tell you, fear him.
ルカによる福音書 12章4節から5節
4  親しい友よ。 体を殺しても、たましいには指一本ふれることができない者たちを恐れてはいけません。  5ほんとうに恐れなければならない相手を教えましょう。 殺したあとで、地獄に投げ込む力を持っておられる神を恐れなさい。 神こそ、ほんとうに恐れなければならないお方なのです。

Adam and Eve both lost their fear of God and fell into sin. The devil tricked Eve with his words. Satan tries and tries to get in between us and God. Satan slowly and repeatedly lies to us in order to disturb our understanding and trust in God. We must be ready to respond to Satan’s lies. We must know who God is and who he isn’t.


Let’s take a moment to look at some possible points to check our understanding of God.


(1 2 3 4) God died for the sins of the world.
(1 2 3 4) God loves me even when I sin.
(1 2 3 4) God punishes people when they are bad.
(1 2 3 4) God does not desire to heal everyone.
(1 2 3 4) I can approach God anytime.
(1 2 3 4) God loves me just the way I am.
(1 2 3 4) God would love me more if I prayed and read His Word more.

I want you to rate the following statements on a scale of 1 to 4 in if you believe or not.
1 = Do not believe, 2 = Somewhat believe, 3 = Mostly believe, 4 = Absolutely believe

1、(1 2 3 4)神は、世の罪のために死んだ。
2、(1 2 3 4)私が罪を犯したときでも、神は私を愛している。 
3、(1 2 3 4)神は、人々が悪いときその人々を罰する。 
4、(1 2 3 4)神はすべての人を癒すことを望まない。 
5、(1 2 3 4)私は神にいつでも近づくことができる。 
6、(1 2 3 4)神は私のありのままを愛している。 
7、(1 2 3 4)神は聖書をもっと読み、祈ることで私の事をもっと好きになってくれる。

1=信じない 2=やや信じる 3=大体信じる 4=絶対信じる

(This survey was adapted from material developed by Susan Waters –
(Take a moment to rate)

The truth is these were all true or false statements. If you answered 2 or 3 to any of them, please rethink your answer and consider why you answered the way you did. Maybe you should discuss it with a church leader or a friend.
In other words, a rating of ① means ‘False’ and ④ would mean ‘True’.


1. 4 (True) – God died for the sins of the world. John 3:16

2. 4 (True) – God loves me even when I sin. God loves the person but hates the sin.

3. 1 (False) – God punishes people when they are bad. The enemy lures us off of God’s path of blessing to bring destruction in our lives. This often looks like punishment. It is usually the result of poor choices on our part.

1、4(真) – 神は世の罪のために死んだ。ヨハネ3:16 

2、4(真) – 私が罪を犯したときでさえも、神は私を愛している。神は人を愛し、罪を憎んでいる。 

3、1(偽)は – 神は、人々が悪いときその人々を罰する。敵は私たちを誘惑し、神の祝福の通り道を塞ぎ邪魔をしています。これは多くの場合、罰のように見えます。これは通常、私たち側の不十分な選択の結果です。

Biblical support for statements 2 & 3 start with…
Matthew 5:43-45
43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.
マタイによる福音書 5章43節から45節
43  『隣人を愛し、敵を憎め』とは、よく言われることです。  44しかし、わたしは言いましょう。 敵を愛し、迫害する人のために祈りなさい。  45それこそ、天の父の子供であるあなたがたに、ふさわしいことです。 天の父は、悪人にも善人にも太陽の光を注ぎ、正しい人にも正しくない人にもわけ隔てなく雨を降らせてくださいます。

If God tells us to love our enemy you can only assume he would do the same. True love does not change due to circumstances. Because of this love Christ died on the cross. When my son Leon throws his toy in my face, I still love him but not pleased with what he has done. I just want him to not do that again because it hurts. Therefore, God does love me even when I sin because of his unconditional love.

Verse 45 says that both sinners and righteous are treated equal. If we are righteous and love God, that will not make a difference in how God treats us. That might sound like good news for sinners but the fact of the matter is we are all sinners.


4. 1 (False) – God does not desire to heal everyone. God provided healing for all people through the death of His Son on the cross.

5. 4 (True) – I can approach God anytime. Hebrews 4:16

4、1(偽) – 神はすべての人を癒すことを望まない。神は十字架上の御子の死を通して、すべての人のための癒しを与えました。
5、4(真) – 私は神にいつでも近づくことができる。ヘブル人への手紙4章16節

Hebrews 4:16
Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.
ヘブル人への手紙 4章16節

We can go to him in prayer anytime and anywhere. We can pray for healing, we can pray to receive understanding, mercy, and grace.


Ephesians 2:4-5
4 But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, 5 made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved.
エペソ人への手紙 2章4節から5節
4しかし神様は、なんとあわれみに満ちたお方でしょう。 こんな私たちを深く愛してくださったのです。  5それゆえ、罪のために霊的に死に果て、滅びる運命にあった私たちをも、キリスト様の復活と同時に生き返らせてくださいました。 〔救われる価値などない私たちに、ただ一方的な恵みが注がれたのです。〕

6. 4 (True) – God loves me just the way I am. God’s love is unconditional. He loves us wherever we are at in our life-long journey of being transformed into the image of Christ.

7. 1 (False) – God would love me more if I prayed and read His Word more. Praying and reading the Word are great choices that God loves. Praying releases God into the situation. His Word is like a treasure map leading us to His promises. His unconditional love is a separate issue.

6、4(真) – 神は私のありのままを愛している。神の愛は無条件である。彼は、よりキリストのように変えられるという、私たちの長い生涯の旅のどこいても、私たちを愛しています。 

7、1(偽) – 神は聖書をもっと読み、祈ることで私の事をもっと好きになってくれる。祈りや聖書を読むという事は、神が愛している素晴らしい選択です。祈ることは状況を神を解放します。彼の言葉は、彼の約束に私たちを先導する宝の地図のようなものです。彼の無条件の愛は別の問題です。

The book of Hebrews brings a lot of answers and explanation. It explains that even believers over time can forget some elementary truths of God taught by Christ (Chp 5&6). Praying and reading the Bible more bring you closer to God and more like Christ.

We can go to God through the blood of Christ, our High Priest (Chp 9&10).
We need faith in what we can’t see, like the many men and women of the OT had (Chp 11).



Hebrews 12:2
fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
ヘブル人への手紙 12章2節
2私たちの指導者であり教師であるイエス様から、目を離さないようにしなさい。 イエス様は十字架の死のあとの喜びを知って、恥をもいとわず十字架にかかられました。 そして今は、神様の王座の隣、名誉ある座についておられるのです。 

So let’s fix our eyes on Jesus no matter the trouble we have!

To some people, God might appear to be an Ogre but once you get to truly know Him and His word, you will see a God of love. Remembering he will never leave us nor forsake us. He is our helper and we need not be afraid (Chp 13).

Let’s Pray.