Communication is the essence of any relationship. Where there is good communication, a relationship will thrive. Where there is poor communication, a relationship will wither. It’s the same with God. The better we are able to pray, the stronger our relationship will be.
But how do we pray? What’s the right way to pray?
Great question! This is exactly what the disciples asked Jesus. And He gave a great answer which we will get to in a minute.
To start with, I’d like to introduce to you what I call ‘RICH Prayer’.
先ず初めに’RICH Prayer’と呼ぶことの紹介をしていきます。
R – Relationship R とは関係のことです。
I – Integrity Iとは誠実のことです。
C – Content Cとは内容のことです。
H – Hours (time) Hとは時間のことです。
• R – Relationship. When we pray to God, we need to know who it is that we’re praying to. He is our Father, and we are His children. When we pray, we are not throwing wishes into the wind. We’re not praying to an ‘unknown God’ as the people of Athens did in Paul’s day, or as many Japanese do today at the temple. We are talking with God, our Father in Heaven, the creator of all, the author of life, and the Father of Jesus our Lord, Saviour and friend. This is why the Lord’s prayer starts with the words, “Our Father in Heaven”. It sets us off on the right foot. It leads us to pray in a spirit of joy, passion and awe.
・ Rー関係。私達が神に祈る時、私達は誰に祈っているのかを知る必要が有ります。
• I – Integrity. The Lord’s Prayer then goes on to ‘Hallowed be your name’. “Lord, may your name by honoured and exalted and revered and glorified. Not mine. Yours.” Start with praise. This helps us understand the relationship we enjoy with God. It helps us to approach God with the right attitude and with the right priorities. Iー誠実。主の祈りは‘御名が崇められます様に’。主よあなたの御名が敬われ高められ崇められ栄光を与えられます様に。自分にではなく、神様に。賞賛で始まります。これは私達が神と良い関係を理解するのに役立ちます。それは私達が正しい姿勢でそして正しい優先順位で神に近づくのに役立ちます。
Be straight with God. Be honest. You don’t need to use flowery or spiritual words. One of the worst things I could imagine is someone saying that they don’t come to our prayer meetings because they don’t know how to use the right prayer language. I’m not sure sometimes that God actually listens to words at all. Sometimes I think He just listens to the groans of our hearts. Don’t get me wrong, words are very important, but the state of our heart is more important.
私は定かではありませんが、時々、神は確かに全ての言葉をお聞きになっていないと思います。時々、私は彼がただ私達の心のうめき声をお聞きになっているのだと思います。 誤解しないでください、言葉はとても大切です、しかし、私達の心の状態がもっと需要なのです。
Don’t try to fool God. Don’t try to pretend that you are more holy or more wretched than you really are. If there is sin in your life, don’t try to hide it from God or ignore it – confess it. If you’re angry with God, don’t pretend that you’re not. If you don’t have the words and you are gifted with it, pray in tongues. Be true to your level of faith and your gifting.
3. C- Content. The essence – the content – of our prayer is essentially God’s will, not ours. We pray “Your Kingdom come, your will be done”. It’s not about us, it’s about God. We don’t start prayers with ‘God, I want’ but with ‘God, what do you want?’
So we need to be good listeners in prayer.
The content of our prayer starts with understanding and wanting to share God’s desires, because our desires are flawed (however right they may seem to us at the time). God’s desires are holy and righteous.
C—内容。本質の内容ー 私達の祈りは本質的に神の望みです。私達の望みではありません。私達は『神の御国が来ます様に、神の御心が行われますように』と祈ります。それは私達についてではありません。祈りは神についてです。私達は何かが欲しいと神に祈るではなく、私に何をして欲しいですか?と神に祈りましょう。 私達の祈りの内容は和解と神の望みの分かち合いを望む事から初めます、何故なら私達の望みは完璧ではないからです。(その時は正しいと思っていても)神の望みは神聖な者と正義です。
Then we pray for our needs. It’s God’s pleasure for us to do so. But we don’t stop there. We also pray for forgiveness – that God would forgive our sins, and that we would be faithful in forgiving those who have hurt us. We are to pray for spiritual strength because we live in a world in which we are constantly under attack. (And we get used to it.) So we pray for strength against temptation and evil.
それから私達は自分達の必要とするものについて祈ります。私達がそうする事は神の喜びです。でもそこで終わってはいけません。私達は赦しのために祈ります- 神は私達の罪を許して下さいましただから私達は私達を傷付けた人達を赦し神に対して誠実になりましょう。私達は精霊の力に祈ります何故なら私達は常に攻撃の元にある世界に住んでいるのですから。だから私達は誘惑や悪に反する力に祈ります。
4. H – Hours (time). My old rowing coach used to tell us that we would never win, never succeed if we didn’t ‘put in the miles’. We had to ‘put in the miles’. We needed technique and fitness and team work and passion, but without the perseverance, we would get nowhere. The same is true in prayer. You can actually measure a relationship with God. There are markers.
You can measure it in more abstract ways like fruits of the Spirit. But you can also measure a relationship with God in concrete terms. Money is one marker. Time is another. Now, just because someone spends an hour in prayer doesn’t necessarily mean they are right with God. But it’s just not possible to have a rich relationship with God if you only spend a few minutes every few days with God in prayer and in the Word. You will reap what you sow. This is a spiritual law.
One other thing about time spent in prayer. Time spent in prayer doesn’t count the time spent talking about prayer or thinking about prayer before we actually pray. This is why I will stop today’s sermon now. Today is to be a day of prayer, not a day of talking about prayer or acknowledging the importance of prayer. But prayer. I just want to point you in the right direction, so we can know who we are praying to, we can pray honestly and faithfully and passionately and in unity, we can pray for the right things, and we can persevere in this. And so we can see the fruits of our prayer.
Prayer time.