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Let My Light Shine Bright 光を輝かせる

Matthew 5:13-16


Last month, we introduced the PCS3 cards to get us thinking more concretely and consistently about the people around us. How’s it going? How have your prayers been for the people on your card? How have you tangibly served and cared for them? Have you had opportunities to share Jesus with them?

Today’s message is a sort of follow up to last month’s introduction of the PCS3 cards. The cards are not meant to be some gimmick, nor some mindless checklist, regarding evangelism. We all know that evangelism isn’t easy, that it’s both important and delicate because it involves people, and that it is absolutely dependent on the work of the Holy Spirit.

The PCS3 cards are meant to be a simple reminder to do our part in God’s plan to save people. But the cards would be both pointless and ineffective without this one important thing: the people around us need to know that we are Christians.
The people on our card need to know that we, as Christians, are praying for them, to the God in the Bible and not to some pagan deity. They need to know that we, as Christians, are caring for them because Jesus taught us to love and care for our neighbors. And they need to know that we, as Christians, are sharing with them the Christian message.

As Christians, we can do our part in God’s plan to save people by being a positive, Godly influence. Let’s look at our Bible passage for today and see what it says about our Christian influence.

Bible Passage Reading

13 “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot. 14 “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. 16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. –Matthew 5:13-16

13 あなたがたは、世の塩です。 もしあなたがたが塩けをなくしてしまったら、この世はどうなるでしょう。 あなたがたも、無用のものとして外に捨てられ、人々に踏みつけられてしまうのです。 14あなたがたは世の光です。 丘の上にある町は、夜になると灯がともり、だれにもよく見えるようになります。 1516あなたがたの光を隠してはいけません。 すべての人のために輝かせなさい。 だれにも見えるように、あなたがたの良い行ないを輝かせなさい。 そうすれば、人々がそれを見て、天におられるあなたがたの父を、ほめたたえるようになるのです。

Be Salt

First, Jesus calls us “the salt of the earth.” He likens us to a very important food ingredient, both in Jesus’ day and now. Salt has two main properties when used with food—flavoring and preserving. In other words, salt has the power to enhance the taste and longevity of food. It has influenced food quality and culture in a positive way for many centuries.
In the same way, what kind of positive, Godly, Christian influence are we being to the people around us? Are we being salty?

I think you’ve heard me mention several times in the past that I was around a lot of Christian hypocrites, a lot of negative Christian influence growing up. Their influence turned me off of church and Christianity.
But I don’t want to focus on that this time. I want to tell you a story about the positive, Godly influences in my life that ultimately led me to become a Christian.
It was my second year of university, and one day, I was invited to a Christian question-and-answer forum on campus. Having had a lot of negative experiences with Christians during high school, I decided to attend the forum to try to argue against Christianity. But what happened was, by the end of the semester, I became a Christian thanks to the “saltiness” of the people in the group.

At first, I was drawn to their answers to my questions, but soon after that, I was more drawn to the people of the group. For the very first time in my life, I had met a group of Christians who were trying their very best to live out their Christian beliefs. They weren’t perfect people, but they were genuine people with genuine faith. And you’ll have the pleasure of meeting two of them next week, Pastor David and his wife Sharon.

How about you? Are you being salty? Or have you lost your saltiness? I hope not, because then it says you’re “no longer good for anything.” Ouch! Don’t be useless. Don’t be a non-influential or negatively influential Christian like the friends I knew in high school.

Be what God has called you to be. Be salt. Be a positive, Godly, Christian influence to the people around you.

Be Light
And second, Jesus calls us “the light of the world.” He goes on to explain the properties of light, how it cannot, and should not, be hidden and how it illuminates an entire house. Again, he’s talking about influence. And like light, how are we being a positive, Godly, Christian influence? Are we letting our “light” shine before the people we know?

I like the part where Jesus says, “Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl.” It speaks to the point I made in the beginning of this sermon: the people around us need to know that we are Christians. What good is our faith, if we try to hide it? Our faith should be on display for everyone around us to see.

So, what should our light look like? What should our faith look like? What should our influence look like? We don’t need to look any further than the springboard of today’s Bible passage. If you look in your Bible, you’ll see that the Beatitudes precede and are summed up by the passage we’re reading today.


I’m not going to go through the Beatitudes in depth, because Pastor Andrew already did so some time ago. But I will mention the points, because they give very good insight to what our faith and our influence should look like.

1) be poor in spirit 心を貧しくする
It doesn’t mean “lacking in spirituality.” Rather, it’s a call to be humble and dependent on God.
2) mourn 悲しむ 嘆く
It doesn’t mean “being depressed and sad.” Rather, it’s a call to admit our sinfulness and repent of our sins.
3) be meek 柔和になる
It doesn’t mean “being weak and spineless.” Rather, it’s a call to control and use our strength and power wisely, and not to abuse.
4) hunger and thirst for righteousness 義に飢え渇く
5) be merciful あわれみ深くなる
It doesn’t mean “looking the other way to sin” or “withholding punishment because you feel bad.” Rather, it’s a call to remember mercy while upholding righteousness.

6) be pure in heart 心を清くする
7) be peacemakers 平和をつくる者となる
It doesn’t mean “compromising what’s right out of fear of conflict.” Rather, it’s a call to promote peace in order to uphold righteousness.
8) be persecuted because of righteousness 義のために迫害される
This last one may sound odd, and you may be waiting for an explanation. But this one is actually also self-explanatory, because this is what it says immediately afterward:
11 “Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. 12 Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you. –Matthew 5:11-12

11わたしの弟子だというので、悪口を言われたり、迫害されたり、ありもしないことを言いふらされたりしたら、なんとすばらしいことでしょう。 12喜びなさい。 躍り上がって喜びなさい。 天国では、目を見張るようなごほうびが待っているからです。 昔の預言者たちも、そのように迫害されたことを思い出しなさい。

So if you’re being shunned, made fun of, and even despised by the people around you because you’re trying to be a positive, Godly, Christian influence, then good for you! Jesus says that you should be happy, because you’re doing what’s right, and it’s going to be credited to you in heaven.
Be what God has called you to be. Be light. Be a positive, Godly, Christian influence to the people around you.


One last comment. Let’s never forget why we’re doing this. Why we’re trying hard to be salt and light. Why we’re trying hard to evangelize. Why we’re trying hard to pray for, care for, and share with the people on our PCS3 cards. Why we’re trying so hard to be a positive, Godly, Christian influence, even in the face of adversity and persecution. It’s so that the people around us can know Jesus and be saved.
Think of it this way. Our actions, in the absence of Christian context and in the absence of our Christian identity, will be seen by people as just good deeds by a good person. In other words, if we do all of these things in order to be a positive, Godly, Christian influence, but people don’t know that we’re Christian, we’re just going to get praise heaped on ourselves. We don’t want that.


What we want is for our “light to shine before people, so that they may see our good deeds and praise our Father in heaven.” And when the people around us praise God due to our positive, Godly, Christian influence, that’s when we’re going to see salvation.
