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New Perspectives 新しい視点

Last week we celebrated Easter. We learnt what the Easter message was all about: that is, the removal of our sin by the death of Christ and the new life we inherit through the resurrection of Christ. It’s great news. But it’s not just a happy memory and a good philosophy to live by. We serve a risen Lord who lives and intercedes in our lives.
先週私たちはイースターを祝いました。イースターのメッセージで私たちは、イエス キリストの死によって私たちの罪が取り除かれ、イエス キリストの復活によって新しい命が私たちに受け継がれるということを学びました。それは偉大なニュースです。

So what now? それでは今からどうしましょう?

Paul wrote: パウロはこう書いています。
I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. Galatians 2:20

So what now? We live a new life in Christ – which is our focus, our theme for this year. What changes should we expect to see in our new life in Christ? What changes should we be pursuing in our new life in Christ? This is what we will be looking at this morning.

For some people, change is terrifying. Change can be like the Looney Tunes Penalty Wheel :
ある人たちにとっては、変化はとても恐ろしいものです。変化はルーニー チューンズ ペナルティ ホイールみたいなものです。
Some people see God as some sort of sadist who enjoys inflicting pain into people’s lives.

Others see God as a skilled and well-meaning but otherwise very painful surgeon who will cut their life to pieces and they would just as soon live a cancerous life.

If you’re like that, I offer you the words that are repeated often in the Psalms: “But I trust in your unfailing love”.もし、あなたがそのように神を見るなら、私はあなたに詩編の中で頻繁に繰り返されている言葉を送ります。

So, trusting in God’s unfailing love – demonstrated on the cross – what changes should we expect to see and what changes should we be pursuing in our new life in Christ?

十字架の上に示された神の慈しみの愛を信頼し、私たちは何を見なければならないのでしょうそして、イエス キリストにある私たちの新しい人生の中でどのような変化が追求されるべきなのでしょう?
1. Change in our view of the world 世界観を変える

I had a very pleasant conversation recently with one of my students, an elderly lady. She shared with interest how Christianity differed from Buddhism in that Christianity sees all people as fundamentally sinful while Buddhism sees all people as fundamentally good. Therefore, she said, she liked Buddhism better. I understand her logic. And if there were nothing else to go by, I would certainly feel the same way.

But that’s like going to a doctor – let’s call him Chris – who tells you that you have diabetes and if you want to live you need to get treatment and change your lifestyle. So you go to another doctor – let’s call him Bud – who says not to worry! You’re fine! You don’t need to change a thing! even though you have diabetes. You might like what Bud says more than what Chris says. But that doesn’t change the fact that you are sick and you need treatment and you need to change your lifestyle.

In Christ, our worldview must change and as we truly open our lives up through Bible reading and meditation, prayer, and fellowship, we find the Holy Spirit cleaning up our lives. We call this “sanctification”.

What we once might have considered, for example, to be good entertainment in movies, TV programs, online videos and music, we now see as smutty, degrading, joyless, unedifying and blasphemous. Our perspective on what the world offers and our response to those things changes in Christ.
かつては例えばテレビ番組、映画、オンライン ビデオや音楽、楽しい娯楽だと思っていたことが、今ではすすけて、下品な、喜びのない、啓発しない、冒とく的なことに見えます。
What we once might have considered to be acceptable moral and ethical behaviour and speech, we now see as unholy and unworthy of living a good life. We see such behaviour and speech as harmful to ourselves and to others.

What we once might have considered to be great life goals we now see as selfish and greedy and dissatisfying – which is what those goals really were all along.

Is it any wonder that Jesus taught us to pray daily, “lead us not into temptation and deliver us from evil”. イエスが私たちに毎日祈るようにと教えてくださった、わたしたちを試みに会わせないで、悪しき者からお救いください。と祈らせているのなぜかわかりますよね。

I want to emphasise again something I shared a couple of weeks ago: these changes are not the result of us trying really hard to be better people. They’re the natural result of a supernatural relationship. As we spend time with God, we become more like Him and less like the world around us. Christian living is a supernatural work. Conversely of course, if we spend most of our time immersed in worldly endeavours and environments and spend little or no time in the presence of a holy God, then you can guess what our perspectives will look like…

This is probably a good point to be reminded that God loved the world so much (that is, the people of the world, not the standards of the world) that He gave His only Son for it.
But the closer I get to God, the more abhorrent my sins appear to me and the more I want to have nothing to do with them. The closer I get to the world, the more my sins just don’t look that bad. So Paul writes,

“Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God.” Colossians 3:1-3

2. Change in our view of ourselves 自分自身の見方が変わる

When we are in Christ, the way we view our identity, our resources and our time changes.

i. With regards to our identity, we no longer see ourselves primarily as husbands or wives or teachers or students or tradesmen or bankers or retired. We see ourselves primarily as Christians.

We no longer see ourselves as rich or poor, clever or smart, upper, middle or lower class. We see ourselves as children of God.
We no longer see ourselves as we once saw ourselves in the world.

Remember what Paul said: I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. Galatians 2:20

ii. With regards to our resources, we called to reconsider what ownership means. I’m not going to talk about money today. I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that many Christians today are a little off with their emphasis on tithing. Don’t get me wrong, tithing is Biblical and right. But we tend to pay far less attention to our other resources.
Do we use at least 10% of our houses specifically for godly use?
Do we use at least 10% of our cars specifically for godly use?
Do we use at least 10% of our phones and internet connections specifically for godly use?

Jesus had some harsh words on this matter: イエスはこのことについて厳しい言葉を持っています“Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You give a tenth of your spices—mint, dill and cumin. But you have neglected the more important matters of the law—justice, mercy and faithfulness. You should have practiced the latter, without neglecting the former.” Matthew 23:23
偽善な律法学者、パリサイ人たちよ。あなたがたは、わざわいである。はっか、いのんど、クミンなどの薬味の十分の一を宮に納めておりながら、律法の中でもっと重要な、公平とあわれみと忠実とを見のがしている。それもしなければならないが、これも見のがしてはならない。 マタイによる福音書23:23

Iii. This leads us to our time. 私達の時間に導きます

I’m moved by a prayer of St Ignatius: 私はSt Ignatiusセント イグナチオの祈りに感動しました。
Lord, teach me to be generous. 主よ私に寛大なになるように教えてください。
Teach me to serve you as you deserve; あなたに値するように私にあなたを奉仕するように教えてください
to give and not to count the cost, 与えるそして代価を考えない
to fight and not to heed the wounds, 戦うことと傷に耳を傾けない
to labor and not to ask for reward, 努力と報酬を求めない
save that of knowing that I do your will.

In regards to time, to toil and not to count the cost is wholly Christlike. Though it might seem a small matter to some, I was impressed last Sunday when we couldn’t seat everyone in the church and some of our members quickly ran downstairs to bring up more chairs. Call me lazy but honestly, I would have let them stand! But our members didn’t. They ran up and down the stairs I don’t know how many times carrying chairs so our visitors could have a seat. And I’m betting if I asked them how many chairs they brought up they would say they don’t know. They weren’t counting the cost. They just brought them all up.

Paul wrote, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.” Colossians 3:23,24

I want to emphasise here that “toiling without counting the cost” is not the same as “working yourself into the ground”. Be prayerful in how you apportion your time. Be generous in service and know when you need to rest.
私はここに重点をおきます“代価を考えずにあくせく働く”のは “へとへとになるまで働く”のと同じではありません。時間をどのように分かち与えるのか祈りましょう。

As you grow in Christ, your perspective on your yourself – your identity, your resources and your time will change.
キリストの中で成長するにつれて自分自身の視点- あなたのアイデンティティ、あなたの才能とあなたの時間は変化するでしょう。

3. Change in our view of relationships 人間関係の見方が変わる

Jesus said one of the two greatest commandments in the Bible is that we “love our neighbours as we love ourselves”.
This changes everything in our relationships – and not in a Looney Tunes Penalty Wheel kind of way – but in a really healthy, positive way.
In Christ we forgive others, even those who have really damaged us. It doesn’t mean we will always forget, but it does mean we no longer hold onto the wrongs they have committed against us. We keep no record of wrongs. We let go of any bitterness, animosity or desire for revenge, and we make peace.

I’m reminded of a story in which Napoleon was preparing to execute a man found guilty of treason. The man’s mother begged Napoleon, “Have mercy!” Napoleon said, “This man doesn’t deserve mercy.” The mother replied, “That’s why it’s mercy.” Napoleon let the man go.
私はナポレオンが反逆罪で有罪判決を受けた男性を処刑にしようとしていた物語を思い出しました。その男の母親が “哀れみをお与えください”とナポレオンに言いい、ナポレオンは “この男は哀れみを受ける値はない”と言いました。その母は “だからこそ哀れみなのです” と答えました。ナポレオンはその男を解放しました。

In Christ we love others, even if they are not very lovable or are undeserving of our love. Our love goes beyond those who love us. We love with a kindness that goes beyond our natural feelings or desires. We love supernaturally.

In Christ we honour others,キリストにあって、私たちは人を敬います。
especially those who are in authority and those who we might naturally look down on.

Paul says those who “we think are less honorable we treat with special honor.” 1 Corinthians 12:23 パウロはこれらの人に言っています。“からだのうちで、他よりも見劣りがすると思えるところに、ものを着せていっそう見よくする。コリントの信徒への手紙一12:23

In Christ our perspective of others changes because we see them as God sees them.
Our parents, our spouses, our employers, our employees, our teachers, fellow believers and non-believers: we see them all now as God sees them.

One more thing. In Christ, there’s one other relationship that changes. What is it?
It’s our relationship with God.
We were once enemies of God. We are now friends of God.

Paul wrote, “Once you were alienated from God and were enemies in your minds because of your evil behavior. But now he has reconciled you by Christ’s physical body through death to present you holy in his sight, without blemish and free from accusation— if you continue in your faith, established and firm, and do not move from the hope held out in the gospel.” Colossians 1:21-23
あなたがたも、かつては悪い行いをして神から離れ、心の中で神に敵対していた。しかし今では、御子はその肉のからだにより、その死をとおして、あなたがたを神と和解させ、あなたがたを聖なる、傷のない、責められるところのない者として、みまえに立たせて下さったのである。 ただし、あなたがたは、ゆるぐことがなく、しっかりと信仰にふみとどまり、すでに聞いている福音の望みから移り行くことのないようにすべきである。この福音は、天の下にあるすべての造られたものに対して宣べ伝えられたものであって、それにこのパウロが奉仕しているのである。 コロサイの信徒への手紙1:21-23

Jesus said, the greater of the two greatest commandments in the whole Bible is to love the Lord your God with all your heart and soul and mind and strength.
心をつくし、精神をつくし、思いをつくし、力をつくして、主なるあなたの神を愛せよ』。マルコによる福音書12:30 と言っています。

This is the new perspective we have toward God.

So I want to encourage you as you live your life in Christ, take up your cross daily, invite the Holy Spirit to transform your heart and your mind so that you can have a godly perspective on the world, on yourself and on others. And carry in your heart what Paul wrote to the Galatians:

“I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” Galatians 2:20
