“You Will Receive Power!”
(speak in different languages to renact Pentecost: “You will receive power!”)
This was similar to the scene at the first Pentecost Sunday, and I wanted to give you an idea of what it was like, especially as today is Pentecost Sunday and we celebrate the pouring out of God’s gift to the Church—the Holy Spirit and the power with which it comes. More on this example later.
When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them. –Acts 2:1-4
1 五旬節の日がきて、みんなの者が一緒に集まっていると、 2 突然、激しい風が吹いてきたような音が天から起ってきて、一同がすわっていた家いっぱいに響きわたった。 3 また、舌のようなものが、炎のように分れて現れ、ひとりびとりの上にとどまった。 4 すると、一同は聖霊に満たされ、御霊が語らせるままに、いろいろの他国の言葉で語り出した。(使徒の働き2:1−4)
I’m going to speak today to dispel some myths about the power of the Holy Spirit, but, more importantly, for all of us to gain a better understanding of it. It’s such a beautiful and powerful gift of God, and we should rely on it and use it to its full potential. We can do that more effectively if we gain a better understanding of it.
It’s like my Apple Watch. Apparently, this thing can do a lot of things…amazing things, even. But I use it for only 3 things: 1) to tell time, 2) to check my messages, and 3) to check my e-mail. I don’t use this Apple Watch to its full potential, and, according to other people, I’m really missing out. The reason? I don’t know how.
I don’t want us, as Christians, to be the same way with the power of the Holy Spirit. Please use it to its proper and full potential. It is a word that originally means “having ability”, and more specifically “power to do, perform, achieve”. For the believer, it is “the power to achieve by applying God’s inherent abilities.”
Imagine that! You have been given “God’s inherent abilities!” When you hear the words, “becoming more like Jesus,” have you ever thought about it in those terms? God’s inherent abilities—what make God who he is—are available to us through the Holy Spirit! For example:
Athletes, you’re playing soccer, and all of a sudden, you’ve been given the left foot of Lionel Messi! Students, you’re taking a physics test, and all of the sudden, you’ve been given the mind of Albert Einstein! Wives, you’re making a steak dinner for your family, and all of a sudden, you’ve been given the cooking abilities of Salt Bae! Husbands, you’re helping to clean the house one day, and all of a sudden, you’ve been given the cleaning inspiration of Mr. Clean! You get the picture.
God’s inherent abilities are available to us through the Holy Spirit! When you’re struggling for the right words in talking about Jesus to your non-Christian friend; when you’re feeling ashamed or depressed; when you have a big decision to make and you don’t know what to do; the power of the Holy Spirit will inspire you, comfort you, guide and lead you, far beyond anything you can do by your own will and power.
And not only in such situations, but in all situations of life, big and small. Power through God’s ability is needed in every scene of life if we are to truly grow and mature as Christians. The more we can do this, meaning the more we choose to rely on the power of the Holy Spirit in every detail of life, the more we experience his reality and, at the same time, realize and embrace the fact that we can do nothing by our own strength. That is the key to spiritual maturity. Spiritual maturity is NOT realizing that you have matured. Spiritual maturity is realizing that you will never be mature enough.
Most of you know that my wife Mayu is pretty strong. She’s not the undisputed MIC Planking Champion for nothing! But sometime, she has a difficult time opening a jar of yuzu jam or a bottle of nail polish. So, rather than pull and strain with all of her planking-champion might, do you know what she does? She calls on a higher power. Me. “Here, here. Give it to me.” And I open that thing like it’s nothing.
Don’t get me wrong. We have to do our part. We have to be responsible and diligent in everything we do. Students, you have to study and give your best effort in school. Singles, you have to be diligent in working on your character if you want to get married. Husbands and wives, all the more, we have to diligently keep working on our character if we want a happy marriage.
But there are moments and situations when we realize that we can only do so much, that our human effort alone is simply not enough. In those times, we don’t keep pulling and straining. We don’t try to lift more than we can physically carry. If we do, all that happens is that we end up getting hurt. We pop a blood vessel, we pull a muscle, we get a hernia.
In spiritual terms, when we rely too much on our own strength, the injury may not look so obvious, but nonetheless, it is very injurious to your faith. They are things like pride, self-reliance, self-sufficiency, and ultimately unbelief and apathy. Be careful. Be very careful.
Are you confident in your ability in school or work? Be careful for pride. Is your instinct to act first and then pray later? Be careful for self-reliance. Are you satisfied with the current state of your marriage? Be careful for self-sufficiency. Do you think that God can’t or won’t do certain things for you? Be careful for unbelief and apathy. Be very careful.
You may not see it, but you may have popped a spiritual blood vessel, you may have pulled a spiritual muscle, you may have a spiritual hernia. What have you grown comfortable in or accustomed to while pulling and straining by your own human effort? Be careful. Don’t hurt yourself. We may lift, but we have to learn to allow God to do the heavy lifting.
And when we allow God to open the jar of yuzu jam, when we apply the power of the Holy Spirit to our situations, get ready to see God do some amazing things in your midst. I recently heard a powerful testimony of a woman who was having some problems with both her husband and her son. They weren’t horrible problems like divorce or bullying, just problems that, if you allow the Holy Spirit to honestly reveal them, all marriages and families deal with.
As she allowed the power of the Holy Spirit to reveal and convict, she was led to pray, because she realized that all she could do was pray. She could pull and strain and lift on her own strength and thinking, but if things were to truly change in her marriage and in her family, that God was going to have to intervene. So, she prayed, and things started getting better. God began to move.
The moral of this testimony? There are two. One, this woman allowed the Holy Spirit to reveal truth in her life. It may not be pleasant to admit that we have faults, that our marriage has faults, but the truth was simply that her marriage and family relationships could improve. They weren’t horrible, but they could improve. So, realizing that with the help and power of the Holy Spirit, she began to seek improvement through praying for her husband and son.
Two, the problem isn’t fully resolved yet. But it’s improving. And she keeps praying. There was a big breakthrough that God orchestrated, and things are certainly better than they were before, but she continues to keep relying on the Holy Spirit through prayer for more improvement.
A lot of times, it’s just like this with most situations in our life. Instead of being in denial of problems and cracks, instead of blindly seeking and expecting complete resolution on every matter, be willing to embrace the fact that life is a journey and a process. Things can always get better, so we should always seek improvement.
Your faith can always grow deeper. Your marriage can always get better. Your family can always become closer. Your goals for your schoolwork, your job and career, and your life can always be more clear. Your character can always be more like Jesus. There are always more people who need salvation. Things around us can always improve.
This may not be an earth-shattering testimony, but this is how the power of the Holy Spirit also, and I would even say “more often”, works. Yes, the Holy Spirit can move in absolutely amazing and awesome and dramatic ways! Of course! But that’s not the only way the Holy Spirit moves. Just like the story of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit moves steadily and toward a long-term goal and vision.
If we read the account of Pentecost more carefully, we can see that the emphasis is not about the giving of the gift of tongues (the spiritual language version) or other charismatic spiritual gifts. Unfortunately, Pentecost has been overly associated with only the charismatic spiritual gifts, and the power of the Holy Spirit has been hijacked along with it.
Now there were staying in Jerusalem God-fearing Jews from every nation under heaven. When they heard this sound, a crowd came together in bewilderment, because each one heard their own language being spoken. Utterly amazed, they asked: “Aren’t all these who are speaking Galileans? Then how is it that each of us hears them in our native language? Parthians, Medes and Elamites; residents of Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya near Cyrene; visitors from Rome (both Jews and converts to Judaism); Cretans and Arabs—we hear them declaring the wonders of God in our own tongues!” Amazed and perplexed, they asked one another, “What does this mean?” –Acts 2:5-12
5 さて、エルサレムには、天下のあらゆる国々から、信仰深いユダヤ人たちがきて住んでいたが、 6 この物音に大ぜいの人が集まってきて、彼らの生れ故郷の国語で、使徒たちが話しているのを、だれもかれも聞いてあっけに取られた。 7 そして驚き怪しんで言った、「見よ、いま話しているこの人たちは、皆ガリラヤ人ではないか。 8 それだのに、わたしたちがそれぞれ、生れ故郷の国語を彼らから聞かされるとは、いったい、どうしたことか。 9 わたしたちの中には、パルテヤ人、メジヤ人、エラム人もおれば、メソポタミヤ、ユダヤ、カパドキヤ、ポントとアジヤ、 10 フルギヤとパンフリヤ、エジプトとクレネに近いリビヤ地方などに住む者もいるし、またローマ人で旅にきている者、 11 ユダヤ人と改宗者、クレテ人とアラビヤ人もいるのだが、あの人々がわたしたちの国語で、神の大きな働きを述べるのを聞くとは、どうしたことか」。 12 みんなの者は驚き惑って、互に言い合った、「これは、いったい、どういうわけなのだろう」。(使徒の働き2:5−12)
As you can clearly see here, it’s talking about the disciples’ temporary supernatural ability to speak other nations’ languages (NOT what we would call the spiritual gift of tongues). This was truly a spectacular and undeniable sign of the power of the Holy Spirit! Can you see the clear connection that God is trying to make and show here? “I want you to go into all the nations to share the Gospel. In order to do so, you’ll need to speak the different languages of the different nations. Here, I’ll show you what I’m thinking. Look at this! This is a sign of things to come!” Remember how we opened the message today?
So, what was God’s purpose of Pentecost? To give the power of the Holy Spirit, to prepare and empower the believers for action! God was preparing his people, his church, for the Great Commission, to go into the world and to make disciples of all nations. But before they were to go, Jesus told the disciples to wait! Wait until the gift of the Holy Spirit!
On one occasion, while (Jesus) was eating with them, he gave them this command: “Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about. For John baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit…But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” –Acts 1:4-5,8
4 そして食事を共にしているとき、彼らにお命じになった、「エルサレムから離れないで、かねてわたしから聞いていた父の約束を待っているがよい。 5 すなわち、ヨハネは水でバプテスマを授けたが、あなたがたは間もなく聖霊によって、バプテスマを授けられるであろう」。。。8 ただ、聖霊があなたがたにくだる時、あなたがたは力を受けて、エルサレム、ユダヤとサマリヤの全土、さらに地のはてまで、わたしの証人となるであろう」。(使徒の働き1:4−5、8)
God knew that the disciples couldn’t do the work of the Great Commission on their own human strength and power. That’s why he told them to wait until Pentecost, and the power was finally given. And to this day, God knows that we can’t do anything of spiritual significance by our own human strength and power. That’s why he gives us the power of the Holy Spirit.
And unfortunately today, people often mistake the power of the Holy Spirit to be JUST charismatic and demonstrative, that is to say, people mistakenly think that the power of the Holy Spirit is ONLY characterized by what we would define as supernatural manifestations that are observable in dramatic and over-the-top fashion, like tongues and healing and prophecy.
Again, I’m not against such movement of the power of the Holy Spirit. Not at all! Because God is able to do anything and everything! What I am cautioning against is that if we mistakenly focus ONLY on such things, we’re going to miss out on all the miraculous things that God is doing in the everyday and long-term, because we have mistakenly termed them as mundane and ordinary.
When Michelle’s parents came forward for communion last month and received Jesus as their Lord and Savior, that was the greatest, most awesome display of the power of the Holy Spirit! Salvation! The turning of the wicked human heart back to God! The sting of sin and death utterly and absolutely nullified by the work of Jesus Christ on the cross! There were no visual or observable sparks or fireworks, but that was undeniably the beautiful and powerful work of the Holy Spirit!
When our church came together for VBS last month, that was an awesome display of the power of the Holy Spirit! Unity! Individuals, you and I, putting aside our own personal objectives and needs to come together as one unit for a common church goal. And the joy and the blessing that you felt, and may still be feeling, as a result of such selfless sacrifice and work you put into the VBS is the testimony of the power of Holy Spirit! There were no visual or observable charismata like there were at the first Pentecost, but the VBS, too, was undeniably the beautiful and powerful work of the Holy Spirit!
My point is, let’s not miss out on celebrating and being encouraged and blessed by such things, just because there was no thunder or lightning. God is at work all around us every day, marvelously, powerfully, absolutely! The power of the Holy Spirit is at work all around us every day. He wants us to utilize and experience his power!
This same power, the power of the Holy Spirit, has been made available to us as believers, so let’s use it! In what we might call the mundane and everyday things, let’s rely on it! And watch God turn those seemingly mundane and everyday things into spectacular and glorious testimonies of the Holy Spirit’s power at work in your life!