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Freedom – Galatians

22 April, 2018

Nat Geo Freedom video.
What is freedom?

Slavery is not a thing of the past. It’s very much a part of this world. It’s estimated that between 21~46 million people are currently caught in slavery.

Although the OT (Old Testament) allowed for slavery and set conditions to prohibit abuse within the practice (not unlike current workplace practices), the NT (New Testament) actively condemns slavery (see 1 Tim 1:9 where slave traders are listed amongst sinners)

God’s desire is that we be free. But again, what is freedom? Does it mean we get to do whatever we want? Does freedom mean no rules? Does it mean lawlessness?
神は私たちが自由であることを願っています。 神の願いは、私たちが自由であることです。しかし、再び聞きます。自由とは何ですか?私たちが欲しいものは何でも、何とかして手に入れることを意味するのでしょうか?自由とは規則が無い、規制がないという意味だろうか?無法という意味でしょうか?

On the other hand, what does it mean to be a slave? Of course, in the most obvious sense, it means being owned and under the control of another. But it’s more complex than this, as with indentured servants, economic slaves, and sexual slaves.

And in a great paradox, we can even be slaves to ourselves. Addicts are an obvious example of this – whether its substance addiction, screen addiction, porn addiction, even gluttony, gossip, drunkenness – whenever we lose self-control, we become slaves to our sinful nature.

But by far, more than all these forms of slavery, the most common form of slavery is spiritual slavery.

Paul talks a lot about freedom from spiritual slavery in his letter to the Galatians, which is our focus for today as we continue to work through the books of the Bible. To understand freedom at its core, we turn to the key verse in this letter which is 2:16:

know that a person is not justified by the works of the law, but by faith in Jesus Christ. So we, too, have put our faith in Christ Jesus that we may be justified by faith in Christ and not by the works of the law, because by the works of the law no one will be justified.
Galatians 2:16

ガラテヤ人への手紙 2:16

At first, this might not seem to have much to do with freedom. It’s about justification. But it’s justification which is at the very heart of freedom.

In a court of law, if you are convicted of a crime, you are locked up and your freedom is taken away. If the judge acquits you, if he declares you innocent/righteous/justified, then you are free to go. Justification is the basis of freedom. It’s the same with God, only more so.

The purpose of the OT law was to make people holy,or justified, before God.

The OT law itself, with its 613 civil, ceremonial and moral rules, could never sufficiently make people holy or justified, it was merely a temporary mechanism by which God granted justification. Paul explains,
旧約聖書の律法の目的は人々を正しく、聖くするためでした。法律自体は、市民立法と儀式的および道徳的な規則で構成されており、全部で規則は613あ理ましたが、人々を十分に聖く正しいと判断することは決してできませんでした。聖書の中に書かれた法律は単に、神が「人々が正しくいられるように」与えた一時的な仕組みに過ぎませんでした。 ポールは、次のように説明しています。

So the law was our guardian until Christ came that we might be justified by faith. Now that this faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian.
Galatians 3:24,25

ガラテヤ人への手紙 3:24,25

Now that Jesus has come, the OT law is, as the writer of Hebrews states, “obsolete”. ALL the requirements of the law to make a person holy and justified before God are met in Jesus. So when we were baptised into Christ, we were justified by God once and for all, and are no longer under the ongoing requirements of the OT law.

This is good news but it can sound a bit theological. What does it mean for us in practical terms?

For one thing, which Paul talks about here, he says that circumcision is no longer a requirement to be right with God. So cross that one off. In fact, Paul says, no law in the OT is any longer a requirement for justification. We have been set free from all the requirements written in the law.

All those do’s and don’t’s don’t apply to us any more. We are free from the law because all the requirements of the law have been met in Christ.

Do you understand what this means? No rules! We’re free to do whatever we want!

Does it really mean that? No! Freedom can never lead to licence. (Freedom should never lead to sin.)

But, the question is, if we’ve been released from the requirements of the OT, what happens to the ten commandments, what happens to all the other commandements, how are we supposed to know which OT laws we still need to follow, and which we no longer need to follow?

This can be an area of great confusion for Christians and an area of great ridicule for atheists. It’s still wrong to steal but it’s now okay to eat pork. It’s still wrong to commit adultery but it’s now okay to have tattoos. Or is it? Which laws are still valid and which are now obsolete?

Some people have made distinctions between OT laws and broken them into three categories: civil laws, ceremonial laws and moral laws. They say the ceremonial and civil laws no longer apply, but the moral laws do. Or is it the civil laws which still apply?

These divisions are complicated and confusing because some laws were both ceremonial and civil, or civil and moral at the same time. Furthermore, some laws were so obscure that we don’t even know what they mean anymore, let alone which category they might belong to.

So how do we know which OT laws still apply to us?

It’s easy. If an OT law is repeated in the NT, it still applies. If it’s not repeated in the NT, don’t worry about it.
見分けるのは簡単です。 旧約聖書の律法が新約聖書にも繰り返されていたら、それは今でも当てはまるということです。そうでなければ、心配することはありません。

This means that the 10 commandments still apply. Many of the moral laws for human relations still apply. But many of the food requirements, for example, no longer apply. In fact, all the laws that apply to us can be summed up in one simple law: “love your neighbour as yourself”.

We need to know these things to live a life that pleases God, but these actually have nothing to do with justification, which is the basis for our freedom. And this is what Paul brings us back to in Galatians.

We are not justified by obeying the law, even though the law was good. We are justified by our faith in Christ. We are set free in Christ.
(私たちは律法に従うことによって義と認められるのではありません。私たちはキリストを信じる信仰によって義と認められるのです。) たとえ法律が良かったとしても、私たちは法律に従うことによって正しくされることはありません。私たちはキリストに対する信仰によって正しく、義とされます。私たちはキリストによって自由になっているのです。

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery [the OT law].
Galatians 5:1



Living by faith can be difficult sometimes, so it can be tempting to fall back onto a system of laws and rules. It exists in the church today and we call it legalism. How do we avoid this? How do we avoid becoming legalistic in our outlook on life and in our faith? Paul teaches us:

So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want. But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.
Galatians 5:16-18

あなたがたに勧めます。聖霊の導きに従いなさい。聖霊は、どこへ行くべきか、何をなすべきか教えてくださいます。そうすれば、自分の肉の欲望のおもむくままに走ることはありません。 私たちの生まれながらの性質は、聖霊がお命じになることとは正反対の悪を好みます。一方、聖霊の導きに従って歩んでいる時に行いたくなる善は、生まれながらの肉の願望とは正反対のものです。内面のこの二つの力は、どちらも私たちを思いどおりに動かそうと、いつも格闘しています。そして私たちは、この二つの力の板ばさみになって、したいと思うことが自由にできない状態なのです。 しかし、本来聖霊に導かれているあなたがたは、もう自分を律法に従わせる必要はありません。

This brings us to the heart of the matter. In Christ, we are given the Holy Spirit, and when we submit to the person of the Holy Spirit, our hearts are changed and we take on the mind of Christ. Our desires change within us. It’s no longer about following rules. It’s about [This is the result of] walking in the Spirit.

Ezekiel prophesied this:

I will give them an undivided heart and put a new spirit in them; I will remove from them their heart of stone and give them a heart of flesh.
Ezekiel 11:19

エゼキエル書 11:19

Again, freedom in the Spirit means freedom from the burden of the law. But this is not the same as lawlessness. On the contrary, Paul says, the acts of lawlessness

The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.
Galatians 5:19-21

生まれながらの悪い性質、つまり肉に従った結果がもたらすものは明らかです。すなわち、汚れた思い、好色、 偶像礼拝、心霊術、憎しみ、争い、怒り、利己心、不平、あら捜し、排他主義とそこから出て来るまちがった教え、 ねたみ、人殺し、泥酔、遊興、そのような種類のものです。前にも言いましたが、もう一度言いましょう。そのような生活を続ける者は、一人として神の国を相続できません。

Just in case there was any doubt as to what freedom in the Spirit looks like, it’s not that! Those are the desires of the flesh.

It’s the desires of the Spirit that we are now free to pursue and enjoy. These desires lead to health and life, not sickness and death. And what are the desires of the Spirit? What are the desires and qualities that freedom in the Spirit leads us to?

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.
Galatians 5:22-25

しかし、聖霊が生活を支配してくださる時、私たちのうちに、次のような実を結びます。愛、喜び、平安、寛容、親切、善意、誠実、 柔和、自制です。そこには、律法に反するものは何もありません。 キリストに属する者は、生まれながらの自分が持つ肉の欲望を十字架につけてしまったのです。もし私たちが聖霊の力を受けて生きているなら、すべてにわたって、その導きに従おうではありませんか。

The Pastoral Search Committee interviewed Pastor Philip who visited us here several weeks ago. Feeling called to ministry work in Kyoto, he has since withdrawn his application. But one of the questions we asked him was, ‘What is your understanding of the baptism of the Holy Spirit?’

I liked his answer. Obviously spiritual gifting is a big part of Spirit baptism, but he said, and I agree, that the manifestation of the fruits of the Spirit – Christian character – is as big a part of Spirit baptism as the gifts of the Spirit, if not more so.

Freedom in the Spirit means freedom to pursue and to receive the Kingdom of God here and now. Freedom in the Spirit leads us to qualities of life – full life – that the world can’t touch:

unfailing love, unspeakable joy, unsearchable peace.
(No regrets in the morning. No apologies to make later. No self-loathing.)
Unfailing love, unspeakable joy, unsearchable peace. These are the fruits of true freedom.

Having explained that we are no longer under the requirements of the OT law, and that we are justified by faith in Christ, and that we now live with the Spirit of God shaping the very desires of our hearts, Paul concludes his letter to the Galatians with some very apt words:

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit, brothers and sisters. Amen.
Galatians 6:18
