1 July, 2018
Isn’t it wonderful when you come across something in the Bible that you’ve never noticed before? There I was preparing to continue our study of the books of the Bible – we’re up to 2 Thessalonians today – when something hit me. It wasn’t Toy or Remi. It was the realisation that every book of the Bible written by Paul, starts and ends with exactly the same greeting, the same focus. Every book written by Paul starts and ends with the same thing. Can anyone tell me what it is?
- Grace.
Every book written by Paul starts with: Grace and peace to you from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ (or very close variants of this).
And every book written by Paul ends with: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all (or very close variants of this).
This a big deal. It sets an example for us. The grace of God is to be the beginning and the end for us, too. The grace of God is to be the first thing we think about when we wake and the last thing on our mind when we sleep. It’s to be the essence of how we start and end a conversation.
これは大きな問題です。それは私たちに例(たとえ)を示してくれます。 神の恵みは私たちにとって始まりと終わりとなる原点です。神の恵みは、私たちが寝ても覚めても考えるべきこと、始まりで終わりのことです。私たちの会話の一部始終は恵みのことであるべきなのです。
We are to be people of grace, though and through, because we are nothing if not for God’s grace in our lives. God’s grace must shape our character, transform our minds, guard our mouths, order our priorities, fill our relationships, direct our paths, and form our identities.
私たちは、恵みの人であるべきです。神の恵み無くしては、私たちは取るに足らない人間です。神の恵みは、私たちの性格を形作り、私たちの心を変え、私たちの口を守り、私たちに優先順位を教えてくれ、私たちの人間関係を満たし、私たちに道を教え、私たちの人格を作ります。 (神の恵みは私たちの品性を形作り、私たちの心を変え、私たちの口を守り、私たちの優先順位を立て、私たちの人間関係を満たし、私たちに道を教え、私たちのアイデンティティーを作ります。)
Living under God’s grace means that we are always humble, we are experts at forgiving others because we know how much we ourselves have been forgiven. We’re quick to love those that others avoid. And we are driven to share with others the grace that God showers on us, because we know that nothing impacts a hostile world more than a demonstration of grace.
I’d like to show you a video of what grace looks like. This is a recent video of a state competition high school baseball game in the States (something like Koshien here). The pitcher strikes out the batter to win the game for his team. But the batter is an old friend of the pitcher’s from long ago. As his team celebrates, watch how the pitcher demonstrates grace.
[Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mdBn2NhK8uw]
What a wonderful example of grace! Putting another’s concerns before your own.
This is an example of how graciousness affects people and changes the world.
The grace of God is a big deal. It changes the world. That’s why Paul starts and ends every letter with it, and that’s why we must start and end every encounter and every day with it.
- Giving thanks to God for one another.
A second emphasis in Paul’s second letter to the Thessalonians is giving thanks to God for one another. We’ve seen this in Paul’s letters before. But he goes further in this one.
Firstly, he says, we are to give thanks to God for one another. (1:3) Doing this honours God who is at work in each of our church family members, it brings forth blessing on those we are praying for, and it strengthens our relationships with each other.
しかし、パウロはさらにこの点を突き詰めて書いています。まず、彼はお互いに神に感謝しなければならないと言います。 (1:3)このことは、各教会の家族それぞれに働きかけてくださる神に敬意を表し、私たちが祈っている人々に祝福をもたらし、互いの人間関係を強くしてくれます。
But he goes beyond this here. He says that we are to boast about each other. We are to brag about our brothers’ and sisters’ perseverance and good works in the faith. There’s no room for gossip! We are to encourage one another directly, but also to boast about our church family to others. What a great environment that makes!
- God is just
The third emphasis in this letter is the justice of God. “God is just,” Paul says. (1:6) For anyone who even remotely knows the Bible, this raises questions.
この手紙の中で三つ目に強調されていることは、神の正義についてです。 「神は正しい」とパウロは言っています。(1:6)少しでも聖書を知っている人にとって、「神は正しい」ということは様々な疑問を投げかけます。
How do we explain the God-sanctioned extermination by the Jews of the people in Canaan at the time of the conquest? What are we to make of David and other Israelite leaders running off on campaigns to wipe out whole towns and cities of innocent men, women and children? In the light of all those killings, done in obedience to God, how can we say that God is just? How can we say that God is loving?
Quite easily, actually! Firstly, those who were killed, weren’t innocent. They were guilty of horrible crimes and were under God’s judgement.
It helps to use a human example. If a murderer is found guilty, and stands in court before a judge, the judge must sentence him. If the murderer says, “I’m really sorry, and I’m actually a pretty nice guy when you get to know me, and I’ve done lots of good things, too” and the judge says, “Yeah, fair enough, I like you, you can go free” what kind of judge is that? A good judge? No! That would be a bad or even corrupt judge. A good judge will serve justice according to the law.
このことを現在の人々の例に当てはめてみると良いでしょう。殺人犯が有罪判決を受け、裁判所で裁判官の前に立つ時、裁判官は彼に刑を言い渡さなければならないですよね。殺人犯が「本当にごめんなさい。悪いことをしたと思っています。私をよく知ってもらったら、私がいかにいい人かということをわかってもらえると思いますし、今までたくさんの良い行いもしました。」と言ったとします。そして裁判官が「なるほどね。あなたを気に入りました。あなたを自由の身にしてあげますよ。」と言ったとしたら、、。 これは、一体どのような裁判官でしようか?良い裁判官ですか?いいえ!悪くて腐敗した裁判官であると言えるでしょう。優れた裁判官は法に従って正義を果たします。
That’s what God does. God is a good judge. It’s can be hard for us to understand this because we often don’t understand the nature or the severity of sin, and because God’s punishment involves death, which can seem unnecessarily harsh to us.
But God is the creator of life. He gives life and he takes away. Everyone dies. Everyone will face judgement. To deny God’s righteous place as creator, and as a holy and righteous judge, we end up judging God and putting Him on trial.
Just as importantly though, God is not only our righteous judge, but our loving redeemer. This brings us to the heart of the gospel where we see Jesus take the punishment that we deserve so that we don’t have to pay the price of our own sin, which is death. Jesus paid that for us on the cross. This brings us back to grace, where it all starts and ends.
We don’t need to understand how God will judge. We can’t know exactly how God will judge those who have never heard the gospel. We can’t measure the heart response of those who only ever once heard a vague or poor presentation of the gospel.
That’s not our job, that’s God’s job. All we know is that there is no salvation apart from Christ – so evangelism is vital – and that God is fair and just, and delights in saving all those who turn to Him in faith. (1:8-10)
それは私たちの仕事ではなく、神の仕事です。わたしたちが知っていることは、キリストの他に救いはないということだけです。伝道は大切であり、神は公正で正しく、信仰をもって神のもとに来る者すべてを救うことを喜ばれます。 (1:8-10)
- The man of lawlessness.
Probably the most difficult part of 2 Thessalonians comes in the middle chapter, chapter 2, where Paul talks about The man of lawlessness.
This man of lawlessness is not referring in general terms to sinful people. It is referring to what the apostle John refers to as one of the antichrists – possibly the last and the worst of them all – who is not Satan but who operates under Satan in some supernatural way, setting himself up “in God’s temple” (2:4) and performing “all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders”(2:9). There are parallels here to the antichrist of Revelation 13.
この「不法の者」は、一般的に言われる「罪深い人」と同じではありません。使徒ヨハネが「キリストに反対する人」をこのように「不法の者」と呼びました。おそらく最も悪い人だと思われます。悪魔ではないが、神の宮殿に自ら潜り込み、何らかの超自然的な力を持って悪魔のもとで働く者のことを「不法の者」と呼びます。 (2:4)、「あらゆる偽物の奇跡、偽の兆候、偽の不思議」を行います(2:9)。「反キリスト」のたとえ話は黙示録13章にも書かれています。
Unfortunately, we’re not given any more details on this man of lawlessness, this antichrist, in part because Paul had already explained this to the Thessalonians in person (2:5). That leaves us wanting to know a little more. I want to say to Paul, “Hey, what about explaining it to us in person!”
- Request for prayer
In the third and final chapter of this book, Paul asks for prayer. This is really humbling. The great Paul, called so dramatically on the road to Damascus, agent of miracles, visitor of heaven, writer of the Bible, asks his brothers and sisters to pray for him. He knows he can’t do what he’s called to do on his own. He needs the indwelling of Holy Spirit working in response to the prayers of the saints.
His requests for prayer are not selfish. He doesn’t ask for riches or comforts. He asks for prayer that the gospel he is preaching would spread rapidly (3:1), and that he would be delivered from the evil people who oppose him in the faith (3:2).
His prayer concerns are for the gospel, for the grace of Jesus to be known and experienced all over the world. Once again, it all comes back to the grace of God poured out on a broken world.
This is a good reminder that, as your pastor, I need prayer, too. This work is beyond me. I can do nothing of value apart from God. On the other hand, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
I share this prayer request with Pastor Mike, too. Every week we work to bring understanding and growth in the gospel, and to lead you, our congregation, to maturity to know and experience God for yourselves in an ever deepening way. Every week, every day, we pray for you. We share our lives with you. But to do that, we need the indwelling of the Holy Spirit working in response to your prayers for us.
So let me close with the blessing written in 2:16,17, and then I will ask Shono-san and David to come and prayer for Pastor Mike, myself, and Pastor Joseph as our incoming pastor.