15 July, 2018
Today we continue our walk through the books of the Bible, which we started in 2013, and aim to finish by the end of this year. Let’s quickly see what we’ve covered so far.
[Image] Old Testament: Pentateuch (law), history books, wisdom literature, major prophets, minor prophets. New Testament: gospels, Acts (history), Paul’s letters to the churches, Paul’s pastoral letters (which we begin today), other letters, Revelation.
1 Timothy is the first of three pastoral letters that Paul wrote. Timothy was basically Paul’s apprentice. He was like a trainee apostle, responsible for planting and overseeing churches. As such there are three main themes to this letter:
False teachers and doctrine
偽の教師と教え -
Qualifications for church leaders
教会のリーダーの適格性 -
The household of God
神の家族 -
(I won’t be following these themes in this sermon, but these are the main themes of the letter.)
Paul’s letter to Timothy has long had personal appeal to me, perhaps more than any other of his letters. You see, Timothy seemed to struggle with timidity in his leadership and, especially in my early years of pastoring, I felt much the same way. So I took a lot of what Paul wrote to Timothy to heart, and found it very encouraging.
So rather than just follow the main themes of the letter, I’d like to pick out the parts that have been particularly meaningful to me, and that I think would be particularly meaningful to our church.
Let’s begin with 1 Timothy 1:13-16. Hopeless Cases.
まず最初に、テモテへの手紙第一 1章13節から16節に書いてある、「望みのない状態」についてお話したいと思います。
Have you ever met a person, or heard about a person, and thought, ‘There’s just no hope for this person’. Either, they’re so convinced in their atheism, or they’re so morally corrupt, or so completely disinterested in spiritual matters, that you just want to give up on them. You feel there’s no point even trying to reach them.
Take this guy, for example. [Image] This is John Newton. He was a slave trader in 18th Century and was involved in all manner of wickedness. He’s the very sort of person that, you would think, would want to have nothing to do with God, and would be beyond responding to the gospel.
たとえば、この人をみてみましょう。 [画像]これはジョン・ニュートンです。彼は18世紀の奴隷商人であり、すべての邪悪に関わっていました。彼は神とは何の関係も持たず、福音に全く反応しないと言う、あなたが思っているとうりの人物です。
In time, Newton, of course, [He] gave his life to Christ, became a minister, and wrote some of the church’s best loved songs, including Amazing Grace.
Or what about this woman? [Image] Her name is Rosaria Champagne Butterfield. Rosaria was a professor at the Centre for Women’s Studies at Syracuse University, and as a movement-leading lesbian, was frequently invited to give keynote speeches at gay pride marches, as well as speak at Harvard University and other institutions on gay and lesbian studies.
または、この女性はどうでしょう? [画像] 彼女の名前はロザリア シャンペン バターフィールドです。 ロザリアはシラキュース大学の女性研究センターの教授であり、レズビアン、女性の同性愛者のための活動のリーダーとして、ゲイの行進で講演をしたり、ハーバード大学や他の機関にもしばしば招かれ、ゲイやレズビアンの研究について講演していました。
She’s the very sort of person, you might think, who could never be reached with the gospel of Christ. Yet in 1999, over a long course of events, she fell at the feet of Jesus and gave her life to Him [Christ].
Or what about this guy? The apostle Paul wrote,
What Paul is teaching Timothy and sharing with the rest of us, is that there are no hopeless cases in Christ. There is no-one that God can’t reach. There is no-one too bad for His grace. This is good news for hardened atheists, lifetime criminals, moral failures and even pedafile priests.
Perhaps closer to home, it’s also good news with regards to cynical parents, unbelieving spouses, wayward children and mocking workmates. I suspect that every one of us here currently knows someone that we think would be, honestly, a pretty hopeless case when it comes to hearing and receiving the gospel.
Never give up praying for them. In fact, let’s do that now. Let’s take some time to silently pray for those we know, who we have thought of as hopeless cases (or at least very tough cases), and lift them to God. Let’s pray.
What God wants.
We spend a lot of our prayer time letting God know what we want. We call it ‘sharing the desires of our heart’, so it sounds better but what we’re really doing is letting God know what we want. But have you ever wondered what God wants?
I love the line from a gospel song, which says,
“Do you ever wonder just what God requires?
Do you think He’s just an errand boy to satisfy your wondering desires?”
あなたは神が、あなたの望みを満たすためにいる、使い走りの少年のように思ってはいませんか? 」
1 Timothy 2:4 tells us in very plain words exactly what it is that God wants: God wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. That’s it. When we get to the heart of ‘Your Kingdom come’, that’s it: God wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.
(神はすべての人が救われて、真理を理解するに至ることを切に望んでおられます。 テモテへの手紙Ⅰ 2:4)
テモテへの手紙第一2章4節では、「神様が望んでいること」について、簡単な言葉で私たちに伝えています。神はすべての人が救われて、真理を理解するに至ることを切に望んでおられます。それだけです。 「あなたに御国が来る」という核心に触れています。神はすべての人が救われて、真理を理解するに至ることを切に望んでおられます。
This of course ties back to the ‘hopeless’ cases that we were just talking about. But it also speaks to the different socio-economic groups, language groups, ethnic groups, religious groups; to people of different genders, ages, personalities and education.
God wants all people to be saved. That is the heart of God. He loves this corrupt, wayward, broken world so much that He gave His only Son Jesus to save it. That is the great desire of His heart.
This verse is key for two reasons. Firstly, it tells us that Jesus is the mediator and saviour of all people. He is the means by which God’s great desire – that all people be saved – comes about.
Secondly, it tells us that Jesus is the only mediator and saviour of all people. This is vital for Timothy to know as he went about planting and overseeing churches. It’s also vital for us to know as we go about growing our church and spreading the gospel.
(イエスはすべての人の仲介者であり、救い主です。 イエスは唯一のすべての人の仲介者であり、救い主です。)
Being an international and an interdenominational church, we get people from all sorts of faith backgrounds coming in. That’s really wonderful. But sometimes, some people come in holding the belief that Jesus can’t be the only way to God, and that we must be more respectful of other beliefs and open-minded about other schools of thought in this matter.
But the Bible is clear about Jesus being the only way to God. We read it plainly here in Paul’s letter to Timothy. We read it plainly in Acts 4:12 where Peter speaks to the crowd and explains how righteousness with God is achieved:
We hear it in the words of Jesus Himself, who said,
イエスが自ら言った言葉からもわかります。 イエスはトマスに言われました。
What does God want? He wants all people to be saved and He has made this possible by giving His Son Jesus as an atoning sacrifice for our sins and as the only means of receiving new life.
Be Content
Does anyone know who this is? [Image] His name is David Oyedepo. He is a Christian pastor in Nigeria. He is believed to be Africa’s wealthiest gospel preacher, and recently acquired a Gulfstream V jet for US$30 million, presumably for ministry purposes.
どなたか、これが誰だかわかりますか? [画像] 彼の名前はデイビッド オデペポです。ナイジェリアのキリスト教の牧師です。彼はアフリカで最も裕福なゴスペル説教者であると信じられており、最近はガルフストリームVジェット機を3,000万ドルで購入しました。
Kyoko, do you think that would be a good investment for our church? A better question might be, can you see Jesus – who walked amongst the people, who travelled by fishing boat, who made a victorious entrance into Jerusalem riding on a donkey – can you see this Jesus, our Jesus, buying and flying about on private jets?
Don’t be fooled. That’s not blessing. That’s abuse. It’s disgraceful.
Paul wrote to Timothy about this:
Let me finish with what real contentment looks like. Paul continues:
Paul says, “Take hold of eternal life”. That’s something that we do now. It’s not off in the distant future, somewhere in the clouds. Our eternal life is a present possession, beginning in this life, continuing into the next. It begins when we confess Christ and make Him the Lord of our lives.
If you are in Christ, you have eternal life. This is something you are to take hold of now. The Kingdom of God is within you now. Pray accordingly. Read the Scriptures accordingly. Share your faith accordingly. The full life that Jesus promised is within you now. Enjoy it.