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Home » Boaz: A Portrait of Generosity<br>ボアズ: 寛大さの肖像

Boaz: A Portrait of Generosity
ボアズ: 寛大さの肖像

June 14th, 2020

Minoh International Church
Pastor Joseph Ricohermoso
Excerpts from the Book of Ruth


Eunice Pike had worked with the Mazatec Indians in south-western Mexico for 43 years as an SIL (Summer Institute of Linguistics) missionary. During this time she has discovered some interesting things about the Mazatec people.
ユーニス・パイクは、SIL(Summer Institute of Linguistics)の宣教師として43年間メキシコ南西部に住むマサテコインディアンという民族と一緒に働いてきました。その間、彼女はマサテコ族について興味深いことをいくつか発見しました。

For instance, the people seldom wish someone well. Not only that, they are hesitant to teach one another or to share the gospel with each other. If asked, “Who taught you to bake bread?” the village baker answers, “I just know,” meaning he is self-taught. He has acquired the knowledge without anyone’s help.

Eunice says this odd behavior stems from the Mazatec Indian’s concept of “limited good.” They believe there is only so much good, so much knowledge, so much love to go around. To teach another means you might drain yourself of knowledge. To love a second child means you have to love the first child less. To wish someone well — “Have a good day” — means you have just given away some of your own happiness, which cannot be reacquired.
ユーニスによると、このような奇妙な行動は、マサテコ族であるマザテックインディアンの 『限られた善 』の概念に由来すると言います。彼らは、『善、知識、それから愛は限られている』と信じています。人に教えるということは、『限りのある自分の知識を使い果たすことになるかもしれない。』と考えます。彼らにとって二人目の子供を愛することは、一人目の子供をあまり愛さないことを意味します。誰かの幸せを願うという “Have a good day” という言葉は、マサテコ族にとって、限られており、再び得ることのできない自分自身の幸福のいくつかを、他人に与えてしまうことを意味します。

For us, however, Christians must be generous, always willing to share their blessings to others. We are like a candle that loses nothing when it lights another.

In the Old Testament, we find the story of Boaz. He was an honorable man who became Ruth’s husband. He typified the kind of generosity that demonstrates the love of God. He owned a large field, and like other landowners, employed reapers to gather his harvest. When the reapers finished, the less fortunate were allowed to “glean” in the field, taking whatever remained of the harvested crops. This was in keeping with the Lord’s command given in Leviticus.

9 “When you reap the harvest of your land, do not reap to the very edges of your field or gather the gleanings of your harvest. 10 Do not go over your vineyard a second time or pick up the grapes that have fallen. Leave them for the poor and the foreigner. I am the Lord your God” (cf., Leviticus 23:22).

Leviticus 19:9-10

9 あなたがたの地の実のりを刈り入れるときは、畑のすみずみまで刈りつくしてはならない。またあなたの刈入れの落ち穂を拾ってはならない。
10 あなたのぶどう畑の実を取りつくしてはならない。またあなたのぶどう畑に落ちた実を拾ってはならない。貧しい者と寄留者とのために、これを残しておかなければならない。わたしはあなたがたの神、主である。

レビ記 19:9-10

Ruth was one such person. Boaz’s generous spirit surfaced immediately when he saw Ruth. He asked the reapers about her identity and then expressed his generosity to her. He showed no racial prejudice against her in spite of the traditional hostility between Israel and Moab (Ruth 2:6,10). Notice both how Ruth was introduced to Boaz and how Ruth responded to him.

6 The overseer replied, “She is the Moabite who came back from Moab with Naomi. 10 At this, she bowed down with her face to the ground. She asked him, “Why have I found such favor in your eyes that you notice me—a foreigner?”

Ruth 2:6,10

6 刈る人たちを監督しているしもべは答えた、「あれはモアブの女で、モアブの地からナオミと一緒に帰ってきたのですが、」
10 彼女は地に伏して拝し、彼に言った、「どうしてあなたは、わたしのような外国人を顧みて、親切にしてくださるのですか。」

ルツ記 2:6,10

What favor did he show her? Boaz displayed his generous spirit in several ways:

  1. He was generous with his compassion.

8 So Boaz said to Ruth, “My daughter, listen to me. Don’t go and glean in another field and don’t go away from here. Stay here with the women who work for me. 9 Watch the field where the men are harvesting, and follow along after the women. I have told the men not to lay a hand on you. And whenever you are thirsty, go and get a drink from the water jars the men have filled.”

Ruth 2:8~9

8 ボアズはルツに言った、「娘よ、お聞きなさい。ほかの畑に穂を拾いに行ってはいけません。またここを去ってはなりません。わたしのところで働く女たちを離れないで、ここにいなさい。 9 人々が刈りとっている畑に目をとめて、そのあとについて行きなさい。わたしは若者たちに命じて、あなたのじゃまをしないようにと、言っておいたではありませんか。あなたがかわく時には水がめのところへ行って、若者たちのくんだのを飲みなさい」。

ルツ記 2:8~9

He told Ruth not to glean anywhere else; she would get all she needed from him. This comes from a heart that truly cares. He had compassion on Ruth and her mother-in-law. Boaz was told about the tragic life that Ruth and Naomi were living.

  1. He was generous with his compliments.

11 Boaz replied, “I’ve been told all about what you have done for your mother-in-law since the death of your husband—how you left your father and mother and your homeland and came to live with a people you did not know before. 12 May the Lord repay you for what you have done. May you be richly rewarded by the Lord, the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to take refuge.”

Ruth 2:11~12

11 ボアズは答えて彼女に言った、「あなたの夫が死んでこのかた、あなたがしゅうとめにつくしたこと、また自分の父母と生れた国を離れて、かつて知らなかった民のところにきたことは皆わたしに聞えました。
12 どうぞ、主があなたのしたことに報いられるように。どうぞ、イスラエルの神、主、すなわちあなたがその翼の下に身を寄せようとしてきた主からじゅうぶんの報いを得られるように」。

ルツ記 2:11~12

Boaz was a godly man who was eager to reward Ruth when he learnt of her kindness to her widowed mother-in-law. He noticed her sacrifice and complimented her efforts.
ボアズは神のような人でした。彼はルツが未亡人の義母であるナオミに親切にしていることを知り、ルツを褒めてあげたいと思いました。 ボアズはルツが捧げた犠牲に気付き、彼女の努力を褒め称えました。

  1. He was generous with his courtesy.

14 At mealtime Boaz said to her, “Come over here. Have some bread and dip it in the wine vinegar.” When she sat down with the harvesters, he offered her some roasted grain. She ate all she wanted and had some left over.

Ruth 2:14

14 食事の時、ボアズは彼女に言った、「ここへきて、パンを食べ、あなたの食べる物を酢に浸しなさい」。彼女が刈る人々のかたわらにすわったので、ボアズは焼麦を彼女に与えた。彼女は飽きるほど食べて残した。

ルツ記 2:14

He invited her to join his staff for a meal, kindly serving her all she wanted. This reminds me of our Filipino culture. Whenever someone arrives unexpectedly during mealtime, we would offer the guest to sit down with us and eat. However, meager the food on the table, we would gladly share it. Of course, the guest has the choice to either join in or decline the offer. It’s a courtesy offer.

  1. He was generous with his crops.

15 As she got up to glean, Boaz gave orders to his men, “Let her gather among the sheaves and don’t reprimand her. 16 Even pull out some stalks for her from the bundles and leave them for her to pick up, and don’t rebuke her.”

Ruth 2:15~16

15 そして彼女がまた穂を拾おうと立ちあがったとき、ボアズは若者たちに命じて言った、「彼女には束の間でも穂を拾わせなさい。とがめてはならない。
16 また彼女のために束からわざと抜き落しておいて拾わせなさい。しかってはならない」。

ルツ記 2:15~16

He told his reapers to put out extra bundles of grain for her to find. It’s the kind of giving that is not based on giri custom or simply as a social obligation or seasonal giving, where a return gift is almost always expected.

Boaz generosity goes beyond obligation to seeking the good of the needy relative, who has no ability to repay the good deed done to her. Boaz clearly demonstrated the grace of God.

  1. He was generous with his credibility.

11 And now, my daughter, don’t be afraid. I will do for you all you ask. All the people of my town know that you are a woman of noble character. 12 Although it is true that I am a guardian-redeemer of our family, there is another who is more closely related than I. 13 Stay here for the night, and in the morning if he wants to do his duty as your guardian-redeemer, good; let him redeem you. But if he is not willing, as surely as the Lord lives I will do it. Lie here until morning.”

Ruth 3:11~13

11 それで、娘よ、あなたは恐れるにおよびません。あなたが求めることは皆、あなたのためにいたしましょう。わたしの町の人々は皆、あなたがりっぱな女であることを知っているからです。
12 たしかにわたしは近い親戚ではありますが、わたしよりも、もっと近い親戚があります。
13 今夜はここにとどまりなさい。朝になって、もしその人が、あなたのために親戚の義務をつくすならば、よろしい、その人にさせなさい。しかし主は生きておられます。その人が、あなたのために親戚の義務をつくすことを好まないならば、わたしはあなたのために親戚の義務をつくしましょう。朝までここにおやすみなさい。

ルツ記 3:11~13

Yibbum is the form of levirate marriage found in Judaism. As specified by Deuteronomy 25:5-10, the brother of a man who died without children is permitted and encouraged to marry the widow. However, if either of the parties refuses to go through with the marriage, both are required to go through a ceremony known as halizah, involving a symbolic act of renunciation of their right to perform this marriage. (

When Ruth asked Boaz to keep alive the name of her late husband by fulfilling the duties of a close relative (kinsman redeemer), Boaz responded generously. He was open and honorable in all his dealings with her, whether concerning marriage or property (Also, Ruth 4:1~6).
He showed respect by doing what was right by her request.

  1. He was generous with his commitment.

9 Then Boaz announced to the elders and all the people, “Today you are witnesses that I have bought from Naomi all the property of Elimelek, Kilion and Mahlon. 10 I have also acquired Ruth the Moabite, Mahlon’s widow, as my wife, in order to maintain the name of the dead with his property, so that his name will not disappear from among his family or from his hometown. Today you are witnesses!”

Ruth 4:9~10

9 ボアズは長老たちとすべての民に言った、「あなたがたは、きょう、わたしがエリメレクのすべての物およびキリオンとマロンのすべての物をナオミの手から買いとった事の証人です。
10 またわたしはマロンの妻であったモアブの女ルツをも買って、わたしの妻としました。これはあの死んだ者の名を起してその嗣業(しぎょう)を伝え、死んだ者の名がその一族から、またその郷里の門から断絶しないようにするためです。きょうあなたがたは、その証人です」。

ルツ記 4:9~10

Boaz wished to persuade, his relative, who had the immediate right of redemption, either to perform the part of a kinsman to Ruth, the wife of his deceased relative, or cede the right to him. He arranged a meeting at the city gate, a public place where business is conducted. He also invited some of the elders of the place as witnesses.

After they were all seated, he explained the matter, and obtained the acknowledgement he wanted with all the formality prescribed by the law, which was to “pull off his shoe”; and concluded the business transaction (See, Ruth 4:1~6).

7 Now in earlier times in Israel, for the redemption and transfer of property to become final, one party took off his sandal and gave it to the other. This was the method of legalizing transactions in Israel.

Ruth 4:7

7 むかしイスラエルでは、物をあがなう事と、権利の譲渡について、万事を決定する時のならわしはこうであった。すなわち、その人は、自分のくつを脱いで、相手の人に渡した。これがイスラエルでの証明の方法であった。

ルツ記 4:7

There was no writing on the occasion, yet the transfer was made, and complete security given, by the acknowledged testimony of the elders and people that were present.

He committed himself to ensuring that Ruth’s former husband had offspring to carry on his name. He married Ruth, and the child born to them was an ancestor of King David and of Jesus our Lord and Savior (Ruth 4:18~22; Matt 1:1,5).


You can give without loving, but you cannot love without giving. Believers who fail to display generosity should ask themselves, “Do I really love people as I should? When we err, we must err on the side of generosity.

Jesus encouraged this generous spirit when He taught, “If anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well. If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles” (Matthew 5:40~41).

A generous spirit drove Boaz to go the second mile with Ruth, even before he realized she might become his wife. He thought at first that she would be attracted to a younger man.

10 “The Lord bless you, my daughter,” he replied. “This kindness is greater than that which you showed earlier: You have not run after the younger men, whether rich or poor.

Ruth 3:10

10 ボアズは言った、「娘よ、どうぞ、主があなたを祝福されるように。あなたは貧富にかかわらず若い人に従い行くことはせず、あなたが最後に示したこの親切は、さきに示した親切にまさっています。

ルツ記 3:10

Even so, Boaz gave her extra time, attention, grain, respect, favor and honor.

How about you? Who would describe you as generous?

6 Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.

2 Corinthians 9:6


コリント人への第二の手紙 9:6