Share a scary story. Caught in the surf.
Never swim alone
Never swim where there are no lifeguards
Be very careful when the weather changes
I ignored all three. Nearly died.
I was in the prime of my life and I nearly died. Here’s the thing. No-one knows when they are going to die. We can have our health checked regularly (and this is a good thing) and you can go online and try a life expectancy test to see roughly how long you can expect to live. But really no-one knows when they’re going to die.
You don’t have to risk it in the surf. You could get hit by a car. You could have a heart attack. You could have an aneurysm and die in your sleep tonight. No-one knows.
But it raises a vital question: what happens when I die?
You might not like to think about that.考えたくないかも知れませんが。
We think about it for financial reasons – we prepare a will.
財産的な理由で死を考えると- 遺書を用意します。
We think about it for personal reasons – we prepare a funeral.
個人的に死のことを考えると- お葬式を準備します。
But when it comes to spiritual reasons and the afterlife, we feel a bit less comfortable about it.
But we’re here in a church so this is a good place to talk about it.
The Bible is God’s letter to us. It’s one way that God has revealed Himself to us. One of the Greek philosophers said that man can get no closer to God. So we need God to come to us. Otherwise, it’s all guesswork and we end up just creating our own gods.
The Bible says that after this life we will all face God and be judged by Him. We will be called into account for every wayward action and every wayward word that we have produced. We will also be called into account for every good action and every good word that we have failed to produce. Those who are found to be right with God will go to heaven. Those who are found to be not right with God will go to hell. Heaven and hell are real. We don’t know the details but heaven is a place of light and warmth and is where God is eternally present. Hell is a place of darkness and torment and is completely devoid of God’s presence. I don’t want to be too dramatic about it but let me just say that you definitely want to go to heaven, and you definitely do not want to go to hell.
Mr Takagi’s testimony. Mrs Takagi was a member of this church for many years but her husband was not a believer.
Very shortly before Mr Takagi passed away and before he was a Christian, he fell into a deep, semiconscious sleep. During that time he had a dream. In the dream, he saw two graves. He went over to the first and looked in. In it he saw a statue of Buddha and other Buddhist items. The grave was filled with darkness and demonic images. He reeled back in horror. Then he went and looked into the other grave and in it he saw a cross. The grave with the cross was filled with light and warmth. He then came out of his sleep. He told his son, Jun, about the dream and Jun asked him which grave he wanted to go into. He said the Christian grave. So his Jun shared the gospel with him, led him to Christ and then he passed away very shortly after.
So how do we get right with God? How can we be certain of going to heaven?
Here’s how.
God created us, He loves us and He desires to be with us.
But we are separated from God by sin.
God is perfect. We are imperfect. The perfect cannot accept the imperfect without becoming imperfect. The two are incompatible.
But God loves us so much that He can’t stand the separation and will do anything to pay the penalty Himself for our sin. Enter Jesus. Another way that God has revealed himself is through Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ was God in the flesh. He was God Himself revealed to us in physical form. He lived a sinless life and He lived a powerful life, teaching people about God, healing the sick, raising the dead and freeing the spiritually oppressed. And when He died, He became the perfect offering to take away the sins of the whole world. That’s what Jesus did. He paid the price for our sin. He died in our place. How do we know this is true? Because He resurrected from the dead. He proved that this is not just some spiritual theory; it’s a spiritual reality. Jesus died in our place. He conquered death and He paid the price for our sin.
Forgiveness of sins is available but it has to be received. Here’s where so many miss the mark. They stop at accepting step three and settle for religion when they need to come to step four and put their faith in the risen Jesus.
Scripture. Without faith it is impossible to please God. Hebrews 11:6
For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— 9 not by works, so that no one can boast. Ephesians 2:8,9
あなたがたの救われたのは、実に、恵みにより、信仰によるのである。それは、あなたがた自身から出たものではなく、神の賜物である。 決して行いによるのではない。それは、だれも誇ることがないためなのである。エペソ人への信徒への手紙2:8,9
(Therefore) If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved. Romans 10:9,10
すなわち、自分の口で、イエスは主であると告白し、自分の心で、神が死人の中からイエスをよみがえらせたと信じるなら、あなたは救われる。 なぜなら、人は心に信じて義とされ、口で告白して救われるからである。ローマの信徒への手紙10:9,10
That’s how we get right with God so that when we die we can go to heaven. But if that’s all it is, then we’re still missing a big part of what it’s all about.
Being right with God isn’t just about ‘dying right’. 神と正しい関係にあるということは、‘正しく死ぬ’ことだけではありません。
You could live however you like – a wholly reprobate (bad) life – and then make a deathbed confession (if you got the chance) and go to heaven. It’s risky but you could do that.
But you would also be missing a big part of what being right with God is all about.
あなた方は好きなように生きる事が出来ます- 完全に悪い人生- そして死ぬ末期の懺悔(あなた方にそのチャンスがあれば)をするなら天国へ行きます。それは危険ですがそういうのも可能です。しかし、神と正しい関係になる大部分が欠落しているでしょう。
Have a look at this clip from the recent movie Boyhood. It’s a brilliantly written and acted movie but the story is really quite sad not just because sad things happen but because it seems that in today’s world, those sad things have become so normal that we aren’t aware that there’s a better way.
“I just thought there would be more.”
“あっけないものね” (もっとする事があったのに、と今思った。)
Don’t get to the end of your life and find yourself saying this.
One of the things Jesus said was “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life,and have it to the full.” John 10:10
盗人が来るのは、盗んだり、殺したり、滅ぼしたりするためにほかならない。わたしがきたのは、羊に命を得させ、豊かに得させるためである。 ヨハネによる福音書10:10
Being right with God – knowing God – is so much more than life after death.
It’s about full life now.
It’s about choosing to believe that Jesus Christ was who He said He was – the Son of God, the Saviour who died on the cross and rose from the dead.
It’s about choosing to turn from sin and to receive forgiveness of sin in the name of Jesus.
It’s about choosing to no longer live for yourself but to follow Jesus.
It’s about receiving the Holy Spirit of God, and living a life that while still dealing with the struggles of living in this world, has the unspeakable joy of the Holy Spirit.
This means that even if you are treated badly, become sick, lose your job, have been hurt in relationships, struggle with the past, have trouble with the present or are worried about the future, there is something greater in your life than you that [God] remains constant and gives you direction, strength, hope and joy:
God – the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We call it the Godhead – three in one.
Tonight I want to give you an invitation. It is an invitation to become right with God, to believe in Jesus and have your sins forgiven, and to recieve the Holy Spirit, so that you can receive new life. Tonight you can be born again. You can start your life again as a Christian, under the love of God, the peace of Christ and the joy of the Holy Spirit.
In a minute I will ask you all to come forward and receive the elements of communion. The bread and the wine are symbols of the body and blood of Jesus Christ and taking them marks a person’s entrance into and belonging to the body of Christ and the life of His church. If you have never taken communion before but tonight would like to repent and give your life to Jesus and receive new life through Him, I invite you to come forward with the others and receive prayer and the elements. このあとすぐに聖餐式にあずかるよう前に出てきてもらいます。パンとぶどう酒はイエス・キリストの体と血の象徴で、それらを受けることによりキリストの体とキリストの教会生活に属します。今までに聖餐式を受けたことがないけれども、今初めてこの祈りを祈り、キリストに人生をゆだねた方は、いっしょに前に出てきて祈ってもらい聖餐にあずかってください。
Take a moment to examine your lives and when you are ready, please come forward.