February 2nd, 2020
Minoh International Church
Pastor Joseph Ricohermoso
James 2:1-13
ヤコブの手紙 2:1-13
If we read carefully, we will find that chapter 2 is a continuation of chapter 1. There is a very close relationship between receiving the Word and respect of persons.
But, what if you fail to receive the Word? What will that produce? James says it will produce a serious case of spiritual snobbery, of partiality, of spiritual pride, of discrimination.
If I were to ask you, “What does discrimination include?” You would probably identify two or three items, none of which you are guilty. But you’ll probably bypass the fact that discrimination takes many forms.
You can have economic discrimination against the rich, or the poor. We’ll see an illustration of that in this first-century assembly.
You can have academic discrimination. Here is someone looking down his long academic nose at people who dropped out of school. Or, conversely you may be the person who looks at this individual and says, “His problem is he’s got too much education.”
You’ve got gender discrimination between male, female, or non-binary, in the process of asserting their rights in our society.
You’ve got political and racial discrimination of which we are very sensitive.
There is discrimination of age: the older person who looks down his nose at the younger person who really doesn’t have it together and is inexperienced. Or the young person who looks at the old person and says, “Okay, boomer.” [“OK Boomer” is a catchphrase and internet meme that gained popularity among younger buddies from 2019, used to dismiss or mock attitudes stereotypically attributed to the baby boomer generation.]
Command: Don’t show favoritism – verses 1-4
命令:分け隔てをしてはならない – 1-4節
Let’s see the overall argument. I want to give you the whole, and then we’ll try to make sense out of the parts. Three (3) words, that you can write in the margin of your Bible, that shows the apostle’s argument: The command is given in verses 1-4. The contrast is given in verses 5-7. And the condemnation is given in verses 8-13.
Let’s look, first of all, at the command in verses 1-4. It’s stated in verse 1, it’s illustrated in verses 2-3 and it’s applied in verse 4. Take note how the apostle begins the section: “My brothers and sisters,” and please note the basis of his teaching is the brotherhood of the brethren, “believers in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ must not show favoritism.” It is absolutely inconsistent to your relationship to Jesus Christ. The Greek text is extremely grabbing at this point, because this can be translated, “Since your trust is in Him, do not look on one person as more important than another.”
Does it shock you that the early church was not a perfect church? Every now and then I meet somebody who says, “Would you recommend a church for me?” I say, “What kind of church are you looking for?” They give me the specifications. I say, “Friend, you’re looking for a perfect church. If you ever find one, don’t join it; you’ll ruin it. It will become imperfect.”
The early church, along with the contemporary church, is never a perfect church. Rather, it is a progressing church. Will you look at the illustration? I take it that James is giving us a specific case study right out of first-century history. 2 “Suppose a man comes into your meeting wearing a gold ring…” literally “a many-ringed individual.” The way they manifested their wealth was by the number of rings they wore. You carried your wealth with you. So a man who had many rings on one hand and many on another was an obviously rich individual.
そんな教会には行かないでください。行くと台無しになりますよ。」と言いたいです。初期の教会は、現代の教会も同様に、決して完璧な教会ではありません。むしろ発展途上と言える教会です。 このイラストを見てください。ヤコブは、1世紀という歴史の中で、具体的な例を教えてくれていると思います。 2節では「たとえば、あなたがたの会堂に、金の指輪をはめ、りっぱな着物を着た人がはいって来ると同時に、みすぼらしい着物を着た貧しい人がはいってきたとする。」と書かれています。 文字通り「多くの指輪」と彼らが表現したのは、身につけた指輪の数によりその人の富を表したのでした。当時人々は財産を身につけることが多かったので、一方の手に多くの指輪をつけ、もう一方の手にも多くの指輪をつけている人は明らかに金持ちだということです。
This kind of man shows up at church, dressed in fine clothes, literally expensively robed—high fashion—and there also comes in a poor man in dirty clothes, or more accurately, ragged, humble, unstylish. You pay special attention to the one who is wearing the fine clothes and say, “Here’s a good seat for you,” And you say to the poor man, “Stand over there, Man.” Or it’s, “Sit on the floor by my feet.”
Let’s visit this early church, the church of the Immaculate Perception, the church that’s got the truth, but they’re also in trouble. Their trouble is caused by the fact that they have a nearsighted usher. Two guys arrive at church late, but for obviously different reasons. One man arrives late because he wants to be seen of men. The other man arrives late because he doesn’t want to be seen of men. He just wants to slip into the service and worship the living God.
Well, the rich man arrives first. This nearsighted usher takes a look at him, and he says, “Man, are we delighted to have you in the sanctuary! Come right down here.” He takes him down. Remember, the chief seats then were up at the front on the side. “Have a choice seat,” and under his breath, “We can hardly wait to pass the offering bag.” No sooner does he get to the back than the poor brother shows up. He takes one look at him and says, “Man, he probably needs charity.” So he says sarcastically, “Stand over there, and if that’s not convenient, sit on the floor.”
Verse 4, “have you not discriminated among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts?” Answer to the question: “Yes, you have.” And he faults them on three accounts. First of all, he says, “You are making distinctions, but the distinctions are human, not divine. Furthermore,” he says, “you are becoming judges, rather than allowing God to judge you.” And third, he is saying, “You are operating with evil, rather than with biblical, motives.” They had developed a distorted perspective toward people.
Is there anybody like that here today? Their evaluation was on the basis of the material rather than on the basis of the spiritual. Their evaluation was on the basis of the temporal rather than on the basis of the eternal. Their evaluation was on the basis of the external rather than the internal. And the Scripture reminds us, “The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart” (1 Samuel 16:7).
今日ここにそのような人はいますか?彼らの基準は、霊的なものではなく物質に基づいていました。彼らの基準は、永遠に基づいているのではなく、一時的なものに基づいていました。彼らの基準は、内面よりも外見に基づいています。そして、聖書は私たちに次の言葉を思い出させてくれます。「わたしが見るところは人とは異なる。人は外の顔かたちを見、主は心を見る。」(サムエル記 16:7)
Contrast: God’s values vs. Our values – verses 5-7
対比:神の価値と私たちの価値 – 5-7節
I want you to note the marked contrast in verses 5 – 7. It’s black and white. It could not be more vivid. 5 Listen, my dear brothers and sisters: Now he’s going to draw a contrast between God’s attitude toward people and their attitude toward people. “Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him?”
Answer: “Yes he did!”
“Then if God does not discriminate against people on the basis of the external, on the basis of the material, on the basis of the temporal, why do you?” What a horrible position to be in, to be found rejecting someone whom Jesus Christ has received!
Make no mistake about it. James is not saying that God chooses a poor man because he’s a poor man, and God rejects a rich man because he’s a rich man. Your poverty or your wealth has nothing to do with God’s acceptance. It’s a question of the richness of your faith.
What were they doing in contrast to what God was doing? Well verse 6 says, “But you”—it’s emphatic—”have dishonored the poor.” You see the contrast? God chose him, and you’ve discriminated against him. Then he adds some force by means of a series of questions: “Is it not the rich who are exploiting you?” Answer: “Yes it is.” “7 Are they not the ones who are blaspheming the noble name of him to whom you belong?” “Yes, they do.” “Well, how ridiculous can you get, that here you are bowing and scraping before a group of people who are hauling you into court and accusing you because of your position in Jesus Christ? Here you are giving preferential treatment to a group of people who are blaspheming the very name by which you were saved.”
神がしていたこととは対照的に、人々は何をしていましたか? 6節では、「しかるに、あなたがたは」と強調し、「貧しい人をはずかしめたのである」と言っています。神は貧しい人々を選びました、そしてあなたは貧しい人を差別しました。その後、ヤコブは一連の質問によって強調します。「あなたがたをしいたげ、裁判所に引きずり込むのは、富んでいる者たちではないか。」その答えは、「はい、その通りです。」です。「あなたがたに対して唱えられた尊い御名を汚すのは、実に彼らではないか。」という問いには、「はい、彼らがそうしました。」というのが答えです。「そのことがどんなに馬鹿げたことかわかりますか?あなたは、イエス・キリストにおける地位のために、あなたを法廷に連れて行ってあなたを非難している人々の前で頭を下げているのです。あなたを救ってくれた方を冒涜している人々を、あなたは優遇してあげているのですよ。」
He goes on, in verses 8-13, to give the condemnation, and it’s a scorching one. It’s very penetrating. My brothers and sisters in Christ, I challenge you to come to grips with it. It’ll revolutionize your life. “8 If you really keep the royal law found in Scripture …” Underline that. That’s the key to the interpretation of this passage. What’s the royal law? That’s the law as summarized by the Lord Jesus Himself.
You remember that occasion when a lawyer came to our Lord and asked, 36 “What is the greatest commandment in the Law?” 37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.'” (Matthew 22:36-39).
立法者が私たちの主のもとに来て、「先生、律法の中で、どのいましめがいちばん大切なのですか。」と尋ねたことを覚えていますか?イエスは次のように言われました。『心をつくし、精神をつくし、思いをつくして、主なるあなたの神を愛せよ』これがいちばん大切な、第一のいましめである。第二もこれと同様である、『自分を愛するようにあなたの隣り人を愛せよ』。(マタイ書 22:36-39)
Did you notice that James cites only the second phase of that royal law? Why? Because he’s talking to a group of people who have a vertical relationship with God, but they have a distorted horizontal relationship with other people. He says, “The nature of your relationship with God determines the nature of your relationship with other people. So I’m going to give you a test. The test is: Are you in the process of loving your neighbor as yourself?” It’s obvious they were not.
I think one of the keys to acceptance and nondiscrimination with others is a realization of your acceptance with God and, therefore, your acceptance of yourself. The key is found in your self-concept. Brothers and sisters, if you are so hung up with yourself today, I will guarantee, you are involved in one or many forms of discrimination. It’s inevitable. It is not until the Lord Jesus liberates you that you are free to flow without any partiality or personal favoritism into the life of other people.
Condemnation: Favoritism defies royal Law – verses 8-13
非難:分け隔ては律法に反する – 8-13節
I find it disturbing that some are deep into hero worship, and that is a form of discrimination. I say it in love, but some are guilty of putting some ministers of the Word up on a pedestal. The problem is: lifting somebody up, and the higher he goes, the further he’s got to fall when he comes off.
That was the problem with the disciples on the way to the Upper Room. They were having a fascinating discussion, namely, who was going to be the big-time operators in the coming kingdom. They all had delusions of grandeur.
That’s why, when they came into the Upper Room, there wasn’t one of them who was willing to stoop to the place of a common slave to wash the feet of the arriving guests. They all go by the door, and the King—the King!—arises and girds Himself with a towel and fills the basin with some water and proceeds to wash the disciples’ feet.
No wonder it blew Peter’s mind. His whole circuitry came unglued, because he said, 8 “No,” said Peter, “you shall never wash my feet.” Jesus answered, “Unless I wash you, you have no part with me.” 9 “Then, Lord,” Simon Peter replied, “not just my feet but my hands and my head as well!” 10 Jesus answered, “Those who have had a bath need only to wash their feet; their whole body is clean.” (John 13:8-10).
8 ペテロはイエスに言った、「わたしの足を決して洗わないで下さい」。イエスは彼に答えられた、「もしわたしがあなたの足を洗わないなら、あなたはわたしとなんの係わりもなくなる」。9シモン・ペテロはイエスに言った、「主よ、では、足だけではなく、どうぞ、手も頭も」。10イエスは彼に言われた、「すでにからだを洗った者は、足のほかは洗う必要がない。全身がきれいなのだから。あなたがたはきれいなのだ。しかし、みんながそうなのではない」。(ヨハネ書 13:8-10)
Did you ever ask yourself, “How could the King stoop to serve?” If you turn back to John 13:3 for one verse of Scripture that I hope the Spirit of God will impress deeply in our life, we’ll never forget it. Here’s the answer as to how the king could stoop to serve: “3 Jesus knew that the Father had put all things under his power, and that he had come from God and was returning to God; 4 so he got up from the meal, took off his outer clothing, and wrapped a towel around his waist. 5 After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples’ feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him” (John 13:3-5).
13:3イエスは、父がすべてのものを自分の手にお与えになったこと、また、自分は神から出てきて、神にかえろうとしていることを思い、4夕食の席から立ち上がって、上着を脱ぎ、手ぬぐいをとって腰に巻き、5それから水をたらいに入れて、弟子たちの足を洗い、腰に巻いた手ぬぐいでふき始められた。(ヨハネ書 13:3-5)
Will you mark it well, my dear brothers and sisters? There is no identity crisis in the life of Jesus Christ. He knew who He was. He knew where He had come from and why He was here. And He knew where He was going. When you are that liberated, then you can serve.
Sen. Mark Hatfield (1922-2011)
Howard Hendricks: “After I had finished speaking and the meeting was dismissed, I looked over to my right, and there was Senator Mark Hatfield, stacking chairs and picking up napkins that had fallen on the floor.”
John Flavel: “They that know God will be humble, and they that know themselves cannot be proud.”
これはマーク・ハットフィールド上院議員(1922年-2011年) です。
Ladies and gentlemen, if you are impressed that you are a United States senator, you don’t stack chairs and pick up napkins. If you are impressed that you are God’s gift to the body of Christ as the great preacher of this age, you don’t stoop to serve. If you are impressed that, really, you are the greatest thing that ever happened to the local church, you do not serve. You live to be served.