As I continue my walk with God, as I continue to pray and read the Word and worship and seek God’s will for my life and for our church, I am reminded again and again of a vital truth:
the righteous shall live by faith (Romans 1:17)
信仰による義人は生きる (ローマの信徒への手紙1:17).
We cannot please God without faith and with faith we can access the kingdom of heaven and see it manifest here on earth.
Who wants that? 誰が
The righteous shall not live passively.
The righteous shall not live according to their natural senses.
The righteous shall not live according to what they can see with their eyes.
The righteous shall live by faith in the unseen God.
Faith is the mirror of the heart that reflects the realities of an unseen world – the actual substance of His Kingdom. Through the prayer of faith we are able to pull the reality of His world into this one. This is the function of faith.
Bill Johnson
The ability to see by faith into the spiritual realm of God’s kingdom does not require special gifting.
On the contrary, every believer has this potential because every believer has the Holy Spirit within them. それどころか、信じる者にはみな聖霊があるので、誰もができうることです。
The born again experience enables us to see from the heart.
That’s what faith does. 信仰がそうさせるのです。
It enables us to see the Kingdom of God. 私たちが神の御国を見えるようにしてくれるのです。
It enables us to envisage Kingdom principles.
All of the Father’s resources, all of His benefits, are accessible through faith.
That’s why Jesus encouraged us to こういうわけで、イエス様は私たちにこう励ましています。
“Seek first the Kingdom of God” (Matthew 6:33)
That’s why Paul taught us to こういうわけで、パウロは私たちにこう励ましています。
“Set your minds on things above, not on things on the earth” (Colossians 3:2)
Paul also said, パウロは、こうも言っています。
“For the things that are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal” (2 Corinthians 4:18) わたしたちは、見えるものにではなく、見えないものに目を注ぐ。見えるものは一時的であり、見えないものは永遠につづくのである。コリントの信徒への手紙二4:18.
The Bible instructs us to turn our attention toward the invisible.
This theme is repeated often enough in Scripture to make those of us bound by the logic of this Western culture quite nervous.
Bill Johnson
How can we learn to see with eyes of faith?
By following the Holy Spirit’s lead. 聖霊の導きに従って。
But that’s too general, too cliched an answer. でも、一般的で、ありきたりすぎる答えですね。
The Holy Spirit has many classrooms. 聖霊は、たくさんの
And one of His primary classrooms is that of worship. いちばん大切な~のひとつは、礼拝の
Learning how to see with eyes of faith is not the purpose of worship but it is a wonderful by-product of worship.
Those who worship in spirit and truth learn to follow the Holy Spirit’s lead.
The Holy Spirit’s realm is called the Kingdom of God.
The centre of the Kingdom of God is the throne of God.
And His throne is established upon the praises of His people.
That makes true, heartfelt worship very, very valuable for bringing God’s Kingdom to the Earth.
Such worship firstly involves acknowledging and experiencing and enjoying the Presence of God. The holy Presence of God affects the way that we see. It teaches us how to see with eyes of faith. This is especially helpful for those who are unaccustomed to seeing Kingdom matters with eyes of faith. It’s also helpful for those who are struggling with doubt or priorities. But worship is important for all believers to see the Kingdom of God. It’s through worship – in songs, psalms, hymns, making music in your heart – that we learn to see with the heart.
We learn to see things as God sees them.
We learn to value things as God values them.
We learn to love as God loves.
Worship takes us into the invisible realm of God. This helps us to realise that worship is so much more than just music. True worship establishes God’s throne. True worship builds faith.
Faith lives within the revealed will of God. When I have misconceptions of Who God is and what He is like, my faith will be restricted by those misconceptions.
Johnson gives the following example:
If I believe that God allows sickness in order to build character, I won’t have the confidence to pray in most situations when healing is needed. But if I believe that sickness is to the body what sin is to the soul, then no disease will intimidate me.
I don’t know about you but I find this to be a very challenging teaching. But I wholly believe it to be true so I want to build my faith so that God’s Kingdom is more fully realised through my life and the life of this church.
Who else wants that?
Johnson adds that Faith is much more free to develop when we truly see the heart of God as good.
I was moved by a conversation that Johnson had with a woman he was ministering to. She said that she felt that God had allowed her sickness for a purpose. He told her that if he treated his own children that way he would be arrested for child abuse. She saw his point of view, allowed him to pray for her and was healed minutes later.
I don’t know about you but I want to see this in our church. I want to see our church mighty and strong. I want to see our church having a big faith that is intimidated by nothing. I want to see our church excited by the manifestations of the Spirit. I want to see in our church miracles as common place. I’m not just saying this. I believe this is the purpose of the body of Christ. This is what it means to seek first the Kingdom of God. This is what it means to pray ‘Your Kingdom Come’.
There’s a lot more to cover on this topic but I’ll leave it to next time. For now I would like us to go beyond hearing and beyond agreeing, to experience the Presence of God in worship and experience the power of God in prayers of faith.