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Home » Jesus is the Way to Heaven<br>イエス様は天国への道です

Jesus is the Way to Heaven

October 27th, 2019

Minoh International Church
Pastor Joseph Ricohermoso
John 14:6 NIV
ヨハネの福音書14:6 JLB


The entire meaning of the Christian faith can be condensed into four words: “I am the way.”

During World War II, an American pilot who was shot down over the jungles of Burma (Myanmar) was able to safely eject from his plane. As he landed in the deep, dense jungle, he was met by a friendly Burmese man.

The man gestured for him to follow. So the American soldier followed the man through the jungle. There was no path that he could see, and ahead of him was the Burmese man, slicing away with his machete. It didn’t seem like they were going in any particular direction.

The American became frantic. So he yelled out to the man, “Where is the way?” In broken English, the man told him, “I am the way. Follow me.”

  1. JESUS is the ONLY way to God
  1. Jesus unapologetically claims to the be only way to God.

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

John 14:6


ヨハネの福音書 14:6

  1. Jesus’ disciples, including Peter, proclaimed that there is no salvation but through Jesus.

“Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.”

Acts 4:12


使徒の働き 4:12

This may sound politically incorrect, but Jesus states it nonetheless. With such claims, there is sure to be objections.

  1. Objections to the concept that Jesus is the only way to Heaven?
  1. We hear this common objection: Are you saying that if a person does not believe in Jesus Christ, they are going to Hell?

Jesus Christ Himself said, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6 NIV).
イエス自身が言いました「わたしが道であり、そして真理であり、 いのちなのです。私を通してでなければ、誰ひとり父のみもとに来ることはありません。

If humankind could have reached God any other way, Jesus would not have had to die. His voluntary death on the cross makes this fact even more compelling.

Christians are not superior to any other person. A person who believes Jesus Christ is the only Son of God and proclaims that truth is just one beggar telling another beggar where to find bread.

In a culture of moral relativism, the statement that Jesus Christ is the only way to God rubs a lot of people the wrong way, because the statement itself seems so narrow and dogmatic. In a way, it is.
The Bible clearly teaches that there is one mediator between God and man, and it is the God-Man Christ Jesus (see 1 Timothy 2:5).
「その真理とはこうです。神と人間とは、それぞれ別の岸に立っています。そして、人となられたキリスト・イエスがその間に立ち、ご自分のいのちを全人類のために差し出すことによって、両者の橋渡しをされたのです。」テモテへの手紙I 2:5

Many hearing this will assume this verse means that those who have never heard about Jesus automatically will be sent to Hell. But that is a false concept of God and His nature, because if the cross of Calvary proves nothing else, it proves this: God loves people deeply. Why else would the God the Father send His Son to suffer and die?

In reality, here is God’s heart toward lost humanity.

“I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live.”

Ezekiel 33:11


エゼキエル書 33:11 JLB

The Bible also tells us that God is patient and doesn’t want anyone to perish (see 2 Peter 3:9). So God wants everyone to repent. You see, God is compassionate. He longs for fellowship with humanity, for friendship with us.
ペテロの手紙Ⅱ 3:9 Japanese Living Bible (JLB)

Jesus described God as a shepherd looking for a lost sheep (see Luke 15). That is God’s heart toward all of us. I believe that God will judge us according to what we know. God loves people. He wants to save both you and me — us.

  1. Another objection to the concept that Jesus is the ONLY way to heaven is this: With the numerous religions in the world, how can Christians claim exclusivity?

I have encountered this question several times in the past and in different settings. The last one was on Monday last week. But I’m not sure if you realize the fact that the Christian faith is the only one that seems to have this question posed. We are the only ones being asked this question. The truth is that every religion has its starting points and its deductions, and those starting points exclude!

For example, Hinduism has two nonnegotiable beliefs: karma and reincarnation. No Hindu will trade these away. In Buddhism, there is the denial of the essential notion of the self. Buddhists believe that the self as we understand it does not exist, and our ceasing to desire will be the cause of the end of all suffering. If we deny these premises, we deny Buddhism.

Islam believes that Mohammad is the last and final prophet, and the Qur’an is the perfect revelation. If we deny those two premises, we have denied Islam. Even naturalism, which poses as irreligion, is exclusive. Naturalism teaches that anything supernatural or metaphysical is outside the realm of evidence and purely an opinion, not a matter of fact.

In the Christian faith, we believe Jesus is the consummate experience of God in the person of His Son and is the Savior and Redeemer of the world. We cannot deny these premises and continue to be Christians.

The question is not whether these are mutually exclusive. The question is, which one of these is reasonable and consistent? Which one of these will we be able to sustain by argument and by evidence?

It is the very nature of truth that presents us with this reality. Truth by definition is exclusive. Everything cannot be true.

So where does that leave us? We must not be surprised at truth’s claims, but we must test them before we believe them. If the test demonstrates truth, then we are morally compelled to believe it.

Jesus said definitively, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me” (John 14:6). Apply the tests of truth to the person and the message of Jesus Christ. You see not only His exclusivity, but also His uniqueness.

But is Christianity bigoted? Certainly, there are some who claim to be Christians who are in fact bigots. But Biblical Christianity is the most pluralistic, tolerant, embracing of other cultures religion on earth. Christianity is the one religion to embrace other cultures, and has the most urgency to translate the Scriptures into other languages. A Christian can keep their native language and culture, and follow Jesus in the midst of it. On the contrary, an early criticism of Christianity was the observation that they would take anybody: slave or free; rich or poor; man or woman; Greek or Barbarian. All were accepted, but on the common ground of the truth as revealed in Jesus Christ.


Greek, Roman and Jewish writers often spoke of two (2) ways. The choice between life and death was an ancient one (Deuteronomy 30:19). Many applied this image of the two ways to the afterlife.
ギリシャ、ロマとユダヤの著者たちはよく二つの道のことを話していました。「命」と「死」の選択は昔からあります。(申命記 30:19)多くの人はこの考えを死後にも適用しました。

That is what Jesus says to us in the maze of life: “I am the way. Follow Me. I will get you to where you are supposed to go.”

You might be wondering, But how do I do this? How do I find my way? First of all, the road to heaven is a toll road. It will cost, but you can’t pay the toll. Jesus paid it for you. You must realize that you can’t do it on your own. And you must admit that you are a sinner.

The Bible says,

All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God

Romans 3:23


ローマ人への手紙 3:23 JLB

Which road are you on today? Which way are you going to choose? There is only one way to find a life that is full and rich on this earth and then to know for certain you are going to heaven. It is the highway to heaven. And you can pull onto the onramp today by putting your trust in Jesus. Jesus is the Way to Heaven!