In a week full of bus accidents last week, my daughter Hannah was involved in one. She was in Honduras over winter break for a one-week medical mission serving poor and underprivileged communities. She went with an organization called Global Brigades which mobilizes university students for volunteer medical work.
It was on her last day there on their way to the airport to go home to New York that the bus got into an accident, tumbling 80m down a hill. By the grace of God, Hannah walked away from the accident with nothing more than a couple of bruises to her back and elbow. Others were not so fortunate, suffering serious injury and even death. Three women lost their lives in the accident.

Hannah safely returned to New York the following day, and she has since been going through the grieving process with her team members. Physically, she’s fine, but our family is continuing to pray for her mental and emotional healing, and we ask that you would join us.
After an ordeal like this, I think it’s natural to ask many questions and think about many things. I know that Hannah, being directly involved in the accident, is carrying the biggest burden. That’s why we’re asking for prayer for her. As her parents, we’re dealing with our own thoughts and feelings. But most importantly, I think we have to carefully think about what our response should be as Christians.
I don’t think it’s good enough, or even correct at all, to come away from this just thinking, “Thank God she wasn’t seriously hurt,” or “Thank God she’s alive.” Of course, we think that as her parents, and I’m sure Hannah’s thinking the same thing, too. But it can’t be just that, and just hoping that Hannah’s life goes back to “normal.”
For our daughter, I would like for her to think deeply about this one life that God has given her, this one life that he has so graciously saved, both physically and spiritually. I would like for her to think deeply about this one life and how it can be used for God’ glory.
“Only one life, ‘twill soon be past. Only what’s done for Christ will last.” –Charles Studd
This famous verse from a poem by Charles Studd, an English missionary to China, is often referred to by my pastor in California. Not only does it have a nice meter (rhythm) to it, it declares a basic Christian truth that my pastor identified with at his core. It’s what Mayu and I hope our daughter is being challenged by. And not just Hannah, but that we, as Christians here at MIC, are being challenged by it as well.
中国で英語の宣教師をしているチャールズ スタッド氏によるこの有名な詩は、カルフォルニアの私の牧師がよく言及しています。その詩には素敵なリズムがあるだけでなく、私の牧師はその詩(言葉)を彼の心の中心に据え識別する基本的なキリスト教の真理であると宣言しています。マユと私は娘に望むことは、試練によって成熟することです。
It’s a recurring truth in the Bible, one that sheds light on the value of God-given life as well as the value of the pursuits in life.
First, life. It’s God-given, we only get one, and it’s relatively short. If that’s the case, what are you going to do with yours? Which brings us to the second point:
Second, pursuits. What are you going to spend your time, energy, and resources on? Would you waste them on things that get burned up and disappear? Or would you use them wisely on things that last forever? Let’s look at a Biblical illustration:
10 By the grace God has given me, I laid a foundation as a wise builder, and someone else is building on it. But each one should build with care. 11 For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. 12 If anyone builds on this foundation using gold, silver, costly stones, wood, hay or straw, 13 their work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each person’s work. 14 If what has been built survives, the builder will receive a reward. 15 If it is burned up, the builder will suffer loss but yet will be saved—even though only as one escaping through the flames. -1 Corinthians 3:10-15
我は神の賜ひたる恩惠に隨ひて、熟錬なる建築師のごとく基を据ゑたり、而して他の人その上に建つるなり。然れど如何にして建つべきか、おのおの心して爲すべし、既に置きたる基のほかは誰も据うること能はず、この基は即ちイエス・キリストなり。 人もし此の基の上に金・銀・寳石・木・草・藁をもつて建てなば、 各人の工は顯るべし。かの日これを明かにせん、かの日は火をもつて顯れ、その火おのおのの工の如何を驗すべければなり。その建つる所の工、もし保たば値を得、 もし其の工燒けなば損すべし。然れど己は火より脱れ出づる如くして救はれん。
You can say that our life is the foundation, and our pursuits in life are the building materials. What we do for God is represented by the precious metals and stones that will endure the test by fire. Anything else we do is represented by the wood, hay, and straw that will be burned up.
So, the question comes again, “What are you going to spend your time, energy, and resources on in the one life that you’ve been given by God?” Would you choose to serve God and receive an eternal reward? Or would you choose to do other things and ultimately enter into God’s rest “as one escaping through the flames,” an oxymoron?
では又質問です、“自分の時間、エネルギー、力を神から与えられたたった1つの命をどのように使いますか?” 神に仕える選択をしますかそして永遠の褒美を貰う方を選びますか?若しくは、他の事に費やすのを選びますかそして最後には燃えて無くなる方を選びますか?
Pastor and blogger Steven Cook writes:
It’s a sign of spiritual maturity when a believer lives in the reality of his own mortality and adopts a biblical perspective on God and eternity. Such a believer does not concern himself with the daily affairs of this world, except how he might please the Lord and show love to others. The growing Christian realizes there is no eternal value in the accumulation of wealth, nice homes, or expensive cars, as these are only fuel for the great fire. This does not mean the believer cannot enjoy wealth. If God gives it, certainly he can. Rather, the mature believer does not hold tightly to material things, but walks in the truth that “one life will soon be past, and only what’s done for Christ will last.” It is on God and heaven that the believer must focus his thoughts and energy, for “he who confesses that there is nothing solid or stable on the earth, and yet firmly retains his hope in God, undoubtedly contemplates a happiness reserved for him elsewhere.”
Through the realization that we have this one precious life that has been given to us by God, and that only what’s done for Christ is going to matter unto eternity, I want my daughter Hannah, I want my family and myself, I want all of us here at MIC, to grow into this mature spiritual understanding to make proper use of our life.
What happened to Hannah was a tragedy. But a greater tragedy would be if she ended up not realizing the great value of dedicating her life to serving God, and instead just simply went on in her higher education to pursue personal accomplishments. A greater tragedy would be if Mayu and I, as her parents, ended up just simply being relieved and content that she was physically fine, instead of desiring a life of committed Godly service for our daughter. The lost lives of the three women were a horrible tragedy, but a greater tragedy commonly and frequently exists in the Christian world.
Pastor and author John Piper talks about this tragedy in his book titled Don’t Waste Your Life (人生を無駄にするな), which unfortunately has been weakly translated in Japanese as The Way to Live Life in Which You Can Say That It Wasn’t a Waste (無駄でなかったと言える生き方). I like the original English title much better, because I believe that’s the author’s intended tone. In it, he writes:
I will tell you what a tragedy is. I will show you how to waste your life. Consider this story from the February 1998 issue of Reader’s Digest: ‘A couple took early retirement when he was 59 and she was 51. Now they live in Florida where they spend their days cruising on their yacht, playing softball, and collecting sea shells.’ Now picture them before Christ at the great day of judgment: ‘Look, Lord. See my shells.’ That is a tragedy. God created us to live with a single passion: to joyfully display his supreme excellence in all aspects of life. The wasted life is the life without this passion. God calls us to pray and think and dream and plan and work NOT so that WE can feel important, but to make HIM important in every part of our lives.
1998年2月のReader’s Digestにこんな話が載っていました:ある夫婦が早期退職しました。夫は59歳、妻は51歳でした。フロリダに住み、ヨットで巡航したり、ソフトボールをしたり、貝殻を集めたりして過ごしています。この夫婦が裁きの日にキリストの前にいるところを想像してみてください。‘私の貝殻を見てください、主よ’これは悲劇です。神は私たちが一つの情熱をもって生きるように創造されました。それは人生のあらゆる面で神の最高の素晴らしさを喜んで示すことです。無駄な人生とはこの情熱がない人生のことです。神は私たちが祈り、考え、夢を見、計画し、はたらくように召しています。私たちが大切だと感じるためでなく、人生のあらゆる面で神が大切であるためです。
We have graciously been given this one life from God who loves us and has the best intention and plan for our life. Let’s not waste our life pursuing selfish gain or the things of the world. Let’s use our life to bring glory to God.