November 17th, 2019
Minoh International Church
Pastor Joseph Ricohermoso
Matthew 3:13-17 NIV
マタイの福音書 3:13-17
Paradigm shift – an important change that happens when the usual way of thinking about or doing something is replaced by a new and different way.
Changing our way of thinking or changing our way of doing things is not just a novelty. It is also necessary as we learn to live by faith and in obedience to God.
It didn’t take long for John the Baptist to baptize Jesus, but an extraordinary shift occurred. From now until his death, John would decrease in influence, and Jesus would increase.
Although unexpected and unusual, Jesus’ baptism came at the right time, in the right way, and for the right reason, as we see His words to John.
I would like to re-read verse 15, this time from the New American Standard Bible.
もう一度15節を別の聖書版(New American Standard Bible)で読んでみましょう。
The phrases – “at this time,” “in this way” and “to fulfill all righteousness” – indicate three (3) characteristics of how God works out His plans for us.
「at this time この時に」「in this way この方法で」「to fulfil all righteousness 全ての正義を満たすために」という3つのフレーズは、神様がどのようにご計画を実行しているかを示しています。
Let’s consider these things more closely so that we, like John the Baptist, may be encouraged to submit and obey. God might want us to have a paradigm shift.
At this time – “Let it be so now”
この時に 「今はそうさせてもらいたい」
The Lord’s timing sometimes seems beyond reason, but if we could only see things as He does, we’d understand that it’s divinely precise.
Our Lord Jesus’ request for baptism definitely took John by surprise. But despite his confusion, he still understood that the timing was right and Jesus had to be obeyed. It was a paradigm shift for John.
We were on our fifth year of doing ministry in a US Navy base in Kanagawa-ken when we moved to the Kansai region to venture into a new ministry.
Jodie was in 6th grade and a language school we have established with volunteer teachers was just in its first year of operation. Why not wait until Jodie graduated? Why not let the language school continue to grow? Was it the height of irresponsibility?
Yet, my wife and I had a deep sense of God’s call and peace in our hearts when we decided to leave Yokosuka City. That we needed to fulfill our commitment to God.
When we finally moved to Kyoto City — the very first Sunday we attended church there – the senior pastor talked to us and told us that we’re God’s answer to their prayers for they were praying for new missionaries.
Are you also feeling the Holy Spirit’s subtle prodding toward a sudden change of plans? Maybe from your perspective the timing seems off, but from God’s viewpoint, it is perfect. Relax and permit the change, for the Lord will be glorified if we do.
In this way – “For in this way it is fitting”
Initially, John the Baptist hesitated to baptize Jesus saying, “I need to be baptized by You, and do You come to me?”
John recognized the inherent irony in this situation. Jesus had nothing to repent of, and it would be more appropriate for Jesus to baptize John. It was definitely a paradigm shift for John.
It was as if John said to Jesus, “I need your Spirit-and-fire baptism, not you my water-baptism.”
Sometimes God’s ways of doing things don’t seem to make sense. Just think about it. Does yelling at a wall make it crumble? It does if the wall is around Jericho.
Do 90-year old women usually have babies? There was one who did – Sarah.
And, how about getting the best wine from six stone jars filled with water? Well, yes. It’s Jesus’ very first miracle on the occasion of a wedding in Cana.
Depending on God is basic to the Christian life. We trust in, or depend on God for our salvation (Ephesians 2:8–9). We depend on God for wisdom (James 1:5). In fact, we depend on God for everything (Psalm 104:27) and in everything (Proverbs 3:5–6). A paradigm shift needs to take place by letting God have His way in us and through us.
クリスチャンの人生において、神様に頼ることは基本的なことです。救いのために神様に頼り、神様を信じます。(エペソ人への手紙 2:8-9)
知恵のために神様に頼ります。(ヤコブの手紙 1:5)
実際、すべてのことのために神様に頼ります。(詩篇 104:27)そして全てのことにおいて神様に頼ります。(箴言3:5-6)。
For His purpose – “To fulfill all righteousness”
Jesus understood why this seemed strange to John, but it was nevertheless necessary “to fulfill all righteousness.”
It wasn’t that this one act in itself fulfilled all righteousness, but it was another important step in the overall mission of Jesus to identify with fallen and sinful man, a mission that would only finally be fulfilled at the cross.
When we respond to God’s will with obedience, we become intimately linked with Him in a work of righteousness.
This step-by-step partnership may take us away from our comfort zone and the familiar into an intimidating, uncharted territory.
Alone, we would despair, but the reassurance of Christ’s presence gives us the courage to press on. There in the lonely places God quiets the fears, takes care of the needs, and leads the way.
Our part is to respond without reluctance and to surrender in obedience as, hand in hand, we walk with Jesus down God’s narrow road. A paradigm shift takes place when we learn to let go of our biases and preconceived notions to let God show us the way. Specifically, our main concern now is to please God, to bring honor and glory to His name.
In 1850’s Chicago, there was a very ambitious shoe salesman named D.L. Moody. He was passionate and driven, he had a strong inclination for riches, and nothing would – or could – stop him.
Then, in the slums of Chicago’s north side, he met a few street kids with nicknames like Red Eye, Madden the Butcher, and Jackey Candles. Seeing their need for Jesus, Moody invited these young rascals to Sunday School.
But the classes soon bored these street-smart boys, so Moody decided to start his own Sunday School in an abandoned railroad freight car. Selling shoes suddenly seemed not so important.
Devoting every spare hour to reaching new recruits, this part-time worker felt God’s call to abandon his booming shoe business and go into full-time Christian service. But it was not an easy decision.
He confessed, “I fought against it. It was a terrible battle.” It meant spending all his savings, living on crackers and cheese, staying at the YMCA, and putting off marriage. It was a “crazy call” and he wrestled with it for three (3) sleepless months.
Similarly, John may have thought it was a crazy call when Jesus asked to be baptized. But Jesus simply said, “Let it be so now;” or, according to a popular slogan, “Just do it!”
同じ様に、イエス様がヨハネに洗礼のお願いをした時に、ヨハネも「到底無理な呼びかけ」だと思ったかもしれません。しかしイエス様はただ次の様に仰いました。「今はそうさせてもらいたい」一般的に知られている言い方をすれば「Just Do it!」でした。
What “crazy” thing might God be wanting you to do? Do you need a paradigm shift? Teaching even though you stutter? Using vacation time for mission trip? Donating your savings to charity? That’s crazy! But God says, “Just do it!”
神様はあなたにどんな「無理」なことをして欲しいのでしょうか?あなたにはパラダイム・シフトが必要でしょうか?言葉に詰まるあなたに、先生の仕事をしろと言っているのでしょうか?休みの時間を全て伝道に使えと言っているのでしょうか?貯金したお金を献金しろと言っているのでしょうか? それは到底無理なお願いです。しかし神様はこう言っています。「Just do it!」
Do you wanna know the rest of Moody’s story? He did left his sales job, and by age 23, his Sunday School had grown to about 1,500 kids. Five years later, he became president of the YMCA. And, by age 50, this uneducated preacher had founded a Bible institute and evangelized thousands both in North America and in Europe. A John the Baptist type of man, he learned that faith makes all things possible and love makes all things easy. That was his paradigm shift.