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Parenting 101

May 26th, 2019

Minoh International Church
Pastor Joseph Ricohermoso
Text: Selected Scripture

About 30 years ago, there was a very popular book that came out that’s called “Parenting is Not for Cowards.” Any parent who’s been a parent understands the meaning of that. Parenting is tough work. It takes courage, it takes grit, it takes tenacity, persistence, deep love, unselfishness and a lot of other things. Parenting is definitely not for cowards.

Parenting may be the most demanding and the most challenging job a human being could have because it’s the challenge of literally raising another human being, which is incredibly complex. It’s hard work. It’s not by accident that parenting starts with the process called LABOR. Any mom could tell you — it’s LABOR carrying that baby to full term and delivering the baby is LABOR.

And, it just gets harder as time goes on. The problem is about the time you get experienced and wise from parenting, you’re unemployed (you’ve RETIRED). We get all of the knowledge from the years and years of experience and then they leave the nest about the time that you really know what you’re doing because you certainly don’t know what you’re doing when you start out as a parent.

Today, we’re going to look at PARENTING 101. You say, “Wait a minute, I’m not a parent.” Let me tell you a little secret. This is how to bring out the best in kids and everybody else too. There are principles in God’s Word that if you do these things, you will bring out the best in your boyfriend/girlfriend, in your spouse, in your boss, in your employees or whoever.

For those of you who aren’t parents, aren’t a father/mother, maybe never will be. You need kids in your life. Study after study has shown that if you don’t have kids in your life, you grow older faster, you get hardening of the attitudes.

Kids actually help us grow. We help them grow, no doubt about it, but they help us grow. Kids are God’s tool for teaching us unselfishness.

The Bible teaches us principles for bringing out the best in people. These are particularly important for parents in bringing out the best in children. We’re just going to look at two. Let’s start and get right into it.

Number one, the first way to bring out the best in a child is:

  1. Accept their uniqueness completely

You need somebody to accept your uniqueness completely, and everybody around you needs somebody to accept their uniqueness completely. This is a starting point. It’s recognizing their value, recognizing their individuality. Every child, if you have more than one child in your family, every child is completely different. Everybody agree with that? They’re just not alike in any sense of the word, which means that they have to be treated differently.

God intentionally makes every one of us different. He could have just made a machine in a factory process line up where you all look the same, talk the same, smell the same, like the same. That would be an incredibly boring world.

I don’t know if you figured this out. God loves diversity. He is so creative; He’s never made any two people looking exactly alike. You look around you and everybody looks, talks, smells, acts different. Human beings make clones God never makes clones, never make copies even identical twins are different in thousands of ways. Everybody has a different handprint, voiceprint, eye print, footprint, personality. It’s the way God works. We’re all unique.

Here’s what the Bible says.

We are God’s workmanship created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
Ephesians 2:6

エペソ人への手紙 2:6

Did you know that before you were born God prepared in advance what He wanted you to do with your life? He laid out a life of good works that He wanted you to do with your life. You can miss that plan but God created you for a plan and for a purpose. Before you were even born, and He custom designed you, He custom made you. The Bible says we are His workmanship. Take note of that word, WORKMANSHIP. It literally means masterpiece, masterpiece or a poem, poema. It means like a work of art.
生まれる前から、神様があなたの人生をあらかじめ準備し、あなたに何をしてほしいかをすでに考えていらしたと知っていましたか。神様はあなたにしてほしい良いことを計画されたのです。その計画から離れてしまう可能性がないわけではありませんが、神様があなたをその計画のために,目的をもってお作りになったということは間違いありません。あなたが生まれるずっと前から神様はあなたを特注で,カスタムメイドでお作りになったのです。いま読んだ聖書の箇所は,英語では“we are His workmanship”「私たちは神様のお作りになったものです」と書かれています。私たち一人一人が神様の傑作なのです。私たちは詩や絵画と同じようにつくられています。この世にたった一つの、芸術作品のような存在なのです。

Each of your children are unique works of art. Sometimes you don’t understand a work of art, but they are unique. One of the reasons, by the way, why God makes us all different is so everything gets done in the world. If we all liked to do the same stuff, there’s a lot get left undone. Thankfully, there’s some people who like to work with numbers, so they’re good at math, they’re good at engineering, they’re good at accounting. There are others who go, “I hate numbers, but I’m good with words.” They’re good at writing and writing books. Other people say, “No, I don’t like to write”, but they’re good mechanically or they’re good artistically or they’re good at sales or they’re good at closing deals.

God wired us all differently. If we all liked to do the same thing, a lot of stuff would get left undone. That’s why we need each other. Some people are meant to fly airplanes, and other people like to plant flowers or vegetables, or they need to work in a small business or teach.

It’s all God’s plan. He designed us uniquely and differently.

God works through different people in different ways.
1 Corinthians 12:6

コリント人への手紙Ⅰ 12:6

The implication of that as parents is you cannot treat all your kids the same. It just doesn’t work. I mean, you’ve probably seen some parenting books that say, “To be fair, I treat all my kids the same.” There’s a word for that, unwise, because what works with one kid doesn’t work with another kid. We all react differently. To be a good parent, you have to treat your kids differently because they’re all different. It starts with, this is the foundation, accepting their uniqueness completely.

One of the great tasks of parenting is to help kids recognize their own uniqueness, that they’re originals. They’re not carbon copies. They weren’t meant to be carbon copies of you or anybody else. They don’t have to compete with anybody else. In fact, they can’t because they are unique and to help them see that they’re not expected to be like everybody else. Why can’t you be more like your brother or your sister? God didn’t make them that way. He wants us to help our kids learn their uniqueness. Here’s the problem. There are two enemies that fight your uniqueness and fight uniqueness on all your children constantly. It is the pressure to compare and it is the pressure to conform.

You might want to write these down. Here are the two enemies of uniqueness that parents have to deal with. The first one is comparing.

  1. Comparing

The pressure to compare is everywhere. It’s all around and it’s worse today than even it was ten, 15 years ago because we have a thing called social media, which is one giant comparison tool. I take a picture of my dessert and then you have to take a picture of a cooler dessert. I take a picture of me having fun, then you got to show that you’re having more fun. It’s a constant comparison. In Japan and all around the world we have made comparing an indoor sport. We compare.

This is the season for graduations. We compare academics, how good of grades you got. We compare athletics, how skilled and coordinated are you? We compare appearance, she’s cuter than she is, or he’s more handsome than that guy. Academics, appearance, we compare economic status. He has more money than we do. They compare everything, status, popularity, things like that.

What does the Bible have to say? What does God have to say about this idea of comparing when he says he made us all unique?

“We do not dare to compare,”
2 Corinthians 10:12

コリント人への手紙Ⅱ 10:12

We do not dare to compare, “ourselves,” it is what? Circle that word, “not wise.”

You need to understand that and you need to teach your kids that. You should never compare your kids to anybody else’s kids. Never compare your wife or your husband or your pastor to somebody else. Never compare your job or your home or anything. God says, “It’s foolish (not wise),” why? Because we’re all unique. You can compare tangerines and submarines because they sound alike but they’re very different. A tangerine is not a submarine and there’s no comparison. That’s true with people.

Do your own work well,
Galatians 6:4


This is what we want to teach our kids. Don’t worry about what other people is doing. Don’t worry about their grades. You “do your own work well. Then, you’ll have something to be proud of but never compare yourself with others.”

There is a legitimate kind of pride that the Bible talks about. It’s the pride of having done the best you could. Having done a good job, but the moment you start comparing yourselves saying, “I did a better job than he did,” you’ve now just sinned, because God tells us, don’t compare. It’s okay to do the best you can and go, “You know I’m proud of what I did, that’s a beautiful meal I just prepared,” But if you start comparing it to somebody else’s meal or you start comparing your deal to somebody else’s deal, the Bible says that’s foolish and it’s sin. We live in a culture of comparison where your kids come home every day and they’ve just compared the clothes they’re wearing, the music they’re listening to and every other thing and that robs them of their uniqueness.

The other thing that we fight as parents with our kids is conforming, not comparing but conforming.

  1. Conforming

Another word for that is people-pleasing. It’s when you’re more worried about what other people think than worried about what God thinks about you. The conforming is the pressure to be like somebody else.

The fear of men is a snare
Proverbs 29:25a

箴言 知恵の泉 29:25

We see somebody on TV or the Internet and say, “I want to look like that,” and “I want to be like that,” and “I want to be cool like that,” and all that. Conforming, the Bible says is a trap. As the Bible tells us in Proverbs, the moment I start worrying about what other people think about me, I’m done. Because then, all of a sudden, they become my God. They start molding and shaping my life.
テレビやネット上で誰かをみて、「あんな風になりたい」とか、「あんな風にクールになりたい」などと思ってしまいます。このように人に合わせようとすることは聖書では「罠」だと言われています。「箴言 知恵の泉29:25」に書いてことの意味は、他人が自分のことをどう思っているかを心配し始めたら、終わりなんです。なぜならその瞬間、その人を自分の神としてあがめてしまっているからです。その人が自分の人生にぴったりはりついて,その人によって人生が形づくられるようになります。

Let me tell you this: You don’t need other people’s approval to be happy. You’re as happy as you choose to be. Don’t blame anybody. If you’re not happy, blame yourself because your happiness is a choice. You don’t need other people’s approval. Some of you are trying to get your parent’s approval for 50 years. They may even be dead now and you’re still trying to prove yourself to your daddy or your mom or somebody else. Look, if you haven’t got their approval by now, you’re not going to get it. I tell you that, you’re not going to get it, but you don’t need it. You don’t need it to live a happy fulfilled godly, successful life. If we can teach our kids to stop comparing or at least minimize it, don’t do that, the Bible says it’s dumb, it’s foolish. Don’t compare and then you won’t conform.

Here’s what the Bible says about that,

Do not conform yourselves to the standards of this world.
Romans 12:2

ローマ人への手紙 12:2

That’s the world’s value system. What is the world value: status and sex and salary and passion and possession, position, appearance and academics and athletics. It said, “Don’t conform yourself to the standards of this world but let God transform you inwardly,” How? “By changing how you think.”

God says, “I don’t want you conformed, I want you transformed. I don’t want you being like everybody else. I want you being who I made you to be.” Here’s the problem, that verse we often think of it as being peer pressure. We tell our kids, “Don’t let other people push you in your mold. Don’t follow the crowd in doing wrong,” and on and on and on. You know what? Parents often want their kids to conform to world’s standards as much as anybody else. You want your kids to fit the normal pattern when God says, “No, I made them in a different way. They are unique and you’re trying to conform them so you look good as a parent.”

In this first step, we must accept our kids, or anybody else for that matter, completely. How do you know if you’ve done that? As parents, how do you know if you truly genuinely accepted your kids? Real simple. You don’t insist they be like you. You see, when we have kids, we want them to like what we like. We want them to eat the same food that we like to eat. If we like a particular sport, we want them to be good at that sport. If we’re good in a particular area like I say math or something, well then, we want them to be good at math. They’re not you. They’re unique.

I want to say this gently, because I love you as your pastor, but the world doesn’t need any more of you. One of you is enough. We don’t need two of you running around in this planet. God did not give you children just to be mini me’s. The conforming doesn’t just come from the peer groups, the conforming often comes from the parents who want to insist, you have to like what I like, be good at what I’m good at, watch the shows that I want to watch and on and on and on.

The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 13:5, “Love does not demand its own way” (LB). If I love my kids, I don’t demand that they like what I like, that they do what I do, that they be good at what I’m good at. I let them be themselves and let them be themselves. I let them be who God made them to be. The problem is, a lot of kids are getting the message today, “I can’t be me.” I have to either be what my peers want me to be or I have to be what my parents want me to be. Then, when you get married, I have to be what my partner wants me to be. When you get a job, I have to be what my professional boss wants me to be. All of a sudden, you get lost in it. The starting point of bringing out the best in others is accepting their uniqueness completely.

As a pastor it would be nice to have at least one of my children enter into fulltime ministry. But not a single time did I ever say to my son or my daughters, “You ought to be a pastor,” or “have you ever considered being a pastor?” People want to say, “You’re Pastor Joseph’s son, aren’t you going to be a pastor?” I want them to be what God wants them to be. That’s not my plan. We’re all different.

Our goal is to help them become what God made them to be. I say that kids are not things to be molded, they’re people to be unfolded. When you unfold, you don’t know what’s inside but God does because He gave them that DNA. You’ve probably noticed, I’m not sporty. But, our son, Josh, loves basketball. Joyce? She was in track & field in Jr. High. Jodie? She likes movies.

The truth is God sovereignly chose your kids. He picked your kids, and he intentionally put them in your family. He chose in their DNA which genes would be recessive and which genes would be dominant and their different gene structure than you are. He doesn’t make mistakes. He knows what he’s doing. The first step in parenting and the first step in bringing out the best in your kids or anybody else for that matter is you can’t help them until you accept them. You must accept their uniqueness completely. Got it? All right.

Number two. The second one is, I must not only accept my kid’s uniqueness completely, I must:

  1. Affirm their value constantly.

This is a little bit different. I must affirm their value constantly. This is more than simply, “I accept you, kid”. It’s not enough just to accept your kids. You have to affirm them. You have to love them, you got to believe in them, you got to celebrate them. You have to enjoy them, not just, “Well, I accept you because God put you in this family.” You have to affirm them. That’s not always easy to do. We often don’t do it enough.

Now I deal with people all my life. You know what I’ve discovered? You and everybody else have a deep bucket that you need to fill with affirmations from other people. That bucket is never filled. I don’t think you can give too much affirmation to somebody. I really don’t. I think your need for it is limitless. It is boundless. That bucket is deep, deep, deep. I don’t think you can give your kids too much affirmation. I don’t think you can give your wife or your husband, your co-workers, or anybody you care about too much affirmation, because everybody has a deep, deep, deep hunger to be believed in, to be trusted, to be understood, to be affirmed, to be valued. They need somebody to go, “You’re important. You matter to me. You’re valuable.”

Affirming people’s value is different than simply accepting their uniqueness. You have to do it constantly. Why do we have to do it constantly? In a child’s mind, they’ve got this scale. It’s all the bad stuff they feel about themselves on one side. Here’s all the good stuff they feel about themselves on the other side. When they’re out there in the world, is the world piling on good or bad stuff about them? It’s always bad. “You’re worthless, you don’t measure up, you’re not cute enough, you’re not smart enough, you’re not athletic enough,” on and on and on. All of these little pebbles are putting them on this the negative side over here and it’s going down really quickly.

When you get more negative in your life than you have positive like this, this is called depression. There are a lot of depressed kids today. Kid suicides are on the rise. None of the world is saying, “You’re great. You’re fantastic. You’re God’s chosen one. You’re unique”, and all that, so you have to be putting it on over here, on the side positive side over here.

It is amazing the power that it has in our lives. The model for being a parent is actually our Father in Heaven. Here’s what our Father in heaven says about affirmation and value.

29 Not even a sparrow can fall to the ground without your Heavenly Father knowing it.
31 And you are far more valuable to God.
Matthew 10:29, 31

29 たった一羽の雀でさえ、あなたがたの天の父の許しなしに地に落ちることはありません。
31 ですから、心配しなくてもいいのです。あなたがたは神にとって、雀より、ずっと大切なものではありませんか。
マタイの福音書 10:29