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Home » The Cost of Following Jesus イエスに従うことに伴う犠牲

The Cost of Following Jesus イエスに従うことに伴う犠牲

Luke 9:57-62

Last week in his sermon, Pastor Andrew talked about counting the cost. I believe that is a timely word for our church.
This year, the focus of our church has been “discipleship,” and if we are truly serious about being disciples, we must be willing to honestly count the cost of discipleship, and then ultimately embrace that cost.
Pastor Andrew listed the cost of discipleship last week, and today I want to look at another passage that further talks about the cost of discipleship.

Text: Luke 9:57-62

57 As they were walking along the road, a man said to him, “I will follow you wherever you go.”58 Jesus replied, “Foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.”59 He said to another man, “Follow me.” But he replied, “Lord, first let me go and bury my father.”60 Jesus said to him, “Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God.”61 Still another said, “I will follow you, Lord; but first let me go back and say goodbye to my family.”62 Jesus replied, “No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.”
9:57道を進んで行くと、ある人がイエスに言った、「あなたがおいでになる所ならどこへでも従ってまいります」。 9:58イエスはその人に言われた、「きつねには穴があり、空の鳥には巣がある。しかし、人の子にはまくらする所がない」。 9:59またほかの人に、「わたしに従ってきなさい」と言われた。するとその人が言った、「まず、父を葬りに行かせてください」。 9:60彼に言われた、「その死人を葬ることは、死人に任せておくがよい。あなたは、出て行って神の国を告げひろめなさい」。 9:61またほかの人が言った、「主よ、従ってまいりますが、まず家の者に別れを言いに行かせてください」。 9:62イエスは言われた、「手をすきにかけてから、うしろを見る者は、神の国にふさわしくないものである」。

Here, we see three men who could have become disciples, but they would not meet the conditions of discipleship that Jesus had laid down.

Though it’s not explicitly stated here, it’s widely agreed upon among Bible scholars that none of the three ultimately agreed to follow Jesus.

In other words,言い換えると、 all three were confronted with the cost of following Jesus, all three counted the cost, and all three said “no” and eventually turned down the call to follow Jesus.
How about us?
1) Are we willing to sacrifice comfort and security in order to follow Jesus?
57 As they were walking along the road, a man said to him, “I will follow you wherever you go.”58 Jesus replied, “Foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.”
道を進んで行くと、ある人がイエスに言った、「あなたがおいでになる所ならどこへでも従ってまいります」。 9:58イエスはその人に言われた、「きつねには穴があり、空の鳥には巣がある。しかし、人の子にはまくらする所がない」。

A man approaches Jesus and boasts that he will follow Jesus anywhere.
Jesus replies, “Are you sure? I’m homeless, you know. Are you willing to be homeless with me?”
I’m sure everyone knows Mother Teresa. Here’s her story, an excerpt taken out of Wikipedia:
On September 10, 1946, Teresa experienced what she later described as “the call within the call” while travelling by train to the Loreto convent in Darjeeling from Calcutta for her annual retreat. “I was to leave the convent and help the poor while living among them. It was an order. To fail would have been to break the faith.”

1946年、9月10日、テレサは後に『the call within the call』と説明した経験をカルカッタから恒例の教会の旅ダージリンのロレトの修道院へ電車で移動中に汽車に乗っていた際にしました。「全てを捨て、最も貧しい人の間で働くように」という啓示を受けたという。テレサは自分の信じる道を進もうと決意していた。
As we all know, Mother Teresa said “yes” to that call from God and dedicated her life to serving and ministering to the poor.
How would we respond when God calls our number? It may not be a radical call to go live with and minister to the poor for the rest of our life like Mother Teresa (or maybe it may), but what if God calls us to give up our comfort and security?

What if God asks you to wake up earlier on Sunday in order to get to church on time? What if God asks you to give your entire paycheck for the month to a needy person? What if God asks you to quit your job, sell your home, and move your family to a foreign country for missions work? How would you respond?

Are you willing to sacrifice comfort and security in order to follow Jesus?
2) Are we willing to let go of traditions and habits in order to follow Jesus?

59 He said to another man, “Follow me.” But he replied, “Lord, first let me go and bury my father.”60 Jesus said to him, “Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God.”
またほかの人に、「わたしに従ってきなさい」と言われた。するとその人が言った、「まず、父を葬りに行かせてください」。 9:60彼に言われた、「その死人を葬ることは、死人に任せておくがよい。あなたは、出て行って神の国を告げひろめなさい」。
Here, Jesus approaches a man with an invitation to follow him. In his reply, the man asked Jesus if he could first go take care of some unfinished family business. To which Jesus replied, “God’s business is more important than man’s business.”
イエス様は 『神の用件は家族の用件よりももっと重要である』と返されました。

Now, you may think that Jesus’s reply sounds a bit harsh and unreasonable. All the man wanted to do was to give his father a proper family burial. But also consider this: Wasn’t what Jesus said correct? Isn’t God’s business more important than man’s business?

I think the Parable of the Good Samaritan gives a good example of this struggle to choose between God’s business and our business, between observing traditions and following Jesus.
You probably know the story of how the priest and the Levite both refused to help the person in need because of their myopic adherence to traditions and habits.

As a result, they missed out in the blessing of heeding God’s instruction.
When God calls us to do something, how quick are we to make excuses and hide behind traditions and habits? We know that God’s business is more important than our own business, but how quick are we to rationalize and make our own business more important than God’s business because of traditions and habits?
The reality is that traditions and habits, when they conflict with God’s commandments, can get in the way of following Jesus.
Are you willing to let go of traditions and habits in order to follow Jesus?
3) Are we willing to put God ahead of family in order to follow Jesus?

61 Still another said, “I will follow you, Lord; but first let me go back and say goodbye to my family.”62 Jesus replied, “No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.”
9:61またほかの人が言った、「主よ、従ってまいりますが、まず家の者に別れを言いに行かせてください」。 9:62イエスは言われた、「手をすきにかけてから、うしろを見る者は、神の国にふさわしくないものである」。

For this last scenario, a man approaches Jesus and promises that he will follow Jesus after saying goodbye to his family. But Jesus responds by saying that the ambivalence in his heart has disqualified him from discipleship. In essence, Jesus wanted to make sure that his disciples’ commitment and allegiance were not going to waver between God and family.
Again, you may think that Jesus’s reply sounds a bit harsh and unreasonable. All the man wanted to do was see his family one last time before leaving. But also consider this: Wasn’t what Jesus said correct? As Christians, isn’t our primary commitment and allegiance to God, and not family?

I want to tell you a story about the pastor’s wife of the church I come from in Los Angeles, a woman of God I truly admire and respect for being a true example of a disciple.
Every year, the leadership of the church goes on an annual retreat to a winter cabin to prepare for the new year. Before one of those retreats many years back, her baby son, who wasn’t even 6 months old at the time, caught a cold. All indications, including her loving maternal instincts, said that she should just forego the retreat and stay at home with her ailing baby. However, she received a strong conviction from God that her attendance and presence at the retreat were important.
So against her better judgment but believing that she was obeying God, she attended the retreat with her ailing baby.

Well, I wish I could tell you that as a result of her faithfulness and obedience in going to the retreat, God miraculously healed her baby and we all had a blessed time.
On the contrary, her baby came down with a fever and his sickness got worse.
She and her baby had a miserable night, where neither one was able to sleep.
She and her baby eventually had to leave the retreat early to seek medical treatment.

So not only did her baby son get seriously sick as a result, her attendance and presence at the retreat was basically inconsequential. So, what’s the moral of this story?

Just because we obey God, it doesn’t mean that our circumstances will always get better. Sometimes it will get worse.

Just because we obey God, it doesn’t mean that good results will always follow.

Sometimes it will result in chaos. So, does it mean that she heard God wrong, based on the circumstance and result? No. She did the right thing. She obeyed God’s call for her at that time.
The first moral of the story: Whether or not one has correctly determined God’s call is not determined by result or circumstance. We simply and faithfully obey God, and whether the outcome works in or against our favor, the blessing is in the obedience.

From a worldly point of view, many of us may pass judgment and say, “What a horrible mother! I could never do that to the child I love!” But also consider this: As Christians, isn’t our primary commitment and allegiance to God, and not family?
Yes, her baby got worse and really sick. Yes, she eventually couldn’t do anything at the retreat. But by her action, she made a bold statement of faith that day, that, as a follower of Jesus, her primary commitment and allegiance was to God, and not to family.

As a result, she was, and still is, instrumental in shaping the radical discipleship attitude and culture of the church that is strong and present today.
The second moral of the story: Our primary commitment and allegiance is to God, and not family.

Are you willing to put God ahead of family in order to follow Jesus?

In conclusion, I want to leave you with this Bible passage from John 6:60-69. This is actually one of my favorites:

60 On hearing it, many of his disciples said, “This is a hard teaching. Who can accept it?”61 Aware that his disciples were grumbling about this, Jesus said to them, “Does this offend you? 62 Then what if you see the Son of Man ascend to where he was before! 63 The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing. The words I have spoken to you—they are full of the Spirit and life. 64 Yet there are some of you who do not believe.” For Jesus had known from the beginning which of them did not believe and who would betray him. 65 He went on to say, “This is why I told you that no one can come to me unless the Father has enabled them.”66 From this time many of his disciples turned back and no longer followed him.67 “You do not want to leave too, do you?” Jesus asked the Twelve.68 Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. 69 We have come to believe and to know that you are the Holy One of God.”
6:60弟子たちのうちの多くの者は、これを聞いて言った、「これは、ひどい言葉だ。だれがそんなことを聞いておられようか」。 6:61しかしイエスは、弟子たちがそのことでつぶやいているのを見破って、彼らに言われた、「このことがあなたがたのつまずきになるのか。 6:62それでは、もし人の子が前にいた所に上るのを見たら、どうなるのか。 6:63人を生かすものは霊であって、肉はなんの役にも立たない。わたしがあなたがたに話した言葉は霊であり、また命である。 6:64しかし、あなたがたの中には信じない者がいる」。イエスは、初めから、だれが信じないか、また、だれが彼を裏切るかを知っておられたのである。 6:65そしてイエスは言われた、「それだから、父が与えて下さった者でなければ、わたしに来ることはできないと、言ったのである」。
6:66それ以来、多くの弟子たちは去っていって、もはやイエスと行動を共にしなかった。 6:67そこでイエスは十二弟子に言われた、「あなたがたも去ろうとするのか」。 6:68シモン・ペテロが答えた、「主よ、わたしたちは、だれのところに行きましょう。永遠の命の言をもっているのはあなたです。 6:69わたしたちは、あなたが神の聖者であることを信じ、また知っています」。
I love Peter’s reply here, because it’s so true! His response resonates strongly in my heart, and I often feel it like this:
“Do I want to quit the faith, because the Christian teaching is too difficult to follow and too offensive in my relationship with others? God, where else am I supposed to go from here? You’re God! In you, I’ve encountered the truth! In you, I’ve been forgiven of my sins! In you, I have eternal life! God, where else am I supposed to go but be with you? God, what else am I supposed to do but follow you and serve you?”
The cost of following Jesus is indeed great.
The road of discipleship is indeed difficult. But as a Christian, isn’t this the only way? Now, how to do it gladly, cheerfully, and joyfully? Stay tuned, because that’s another sermon. For now, think about the cost of discipleship, and know that being a disciple and being a Christian are one and the same.