May 5th, 2019
Minoh International Church
Pastor Joseph Ricohermoso
Text: Mark 4:35~41
マルコの福音書 4:35-41
The disciples listened to the teaching of our Lord Jesus, and His Word should have increased their faith (Rom. 10:17). Sadly, they failed the test!
It is not unusual for terrible storms to come suddenly on the Sea of Galilee, but the disciples’ reaction to the situation shows us a picture of when people don’t trust God. But, what does trusting God mean? What does it look like?
It means knowing and believing God for who He really is – verse 38
People have different concepts or understanding of God. The Philippines is said to be the only Christian nation in Asia. However, our brand of Christianity is more cultural and traditional rather than biblical. I grew up practicing a religion that venerates images of Jesus and other holy men and women. For example, we have images of Jesus as a child, which is called Santo Nino, or when He was crucified. Basically, both are adorable, but seem powerless and unable to help.
Perhaps from the culture you belong to, you also have your own image, depiction, or expectation of what God is like. [e.g., Keep them at peace & not provoke to anger; kind, old man like Santa Claus, etc.]
The disciples already had been with Jesus for quite some time. However, they are yet to understand His ways and know His power. They’d seen some of the miracles He performed like casting evil spirits out of people or healing the sick (leprosy, paralysis, etc.). But, when they were faced with a life-threatening situation, they forgot all of those. Worse, they questioned His care for them. “Teacher, do You not care that we are perishing?”
弟子たちはすでにイエス様と長い時間を過ごしていました。しかし、イエス様の力を知らず、イエス様の生き方を理解していませんでした。彼らは、イエス様が人々から悪霊を追い出したり、ハンセン病や麻痺の状態にある人々を癒したりといった、様々な奇跡を近くで見ていました。しかし、命が奪われるような危機に直面した時に、彼らはイエス様がしたことを全て忘れてしまったのです。しかも、彼らはイエス様による気遣いを疑っていたのです。「先生、私たちが死の危機に瀕しているときによく平気でいられますね!」 -
That’s a loaded question! It expresses their lack of faith in Jesus. It also shows their misunderstanding of His behavior. They probably saw Him as indifferent or uncaring.
それは悪意のある質問でした。それはイエス様に対する信頼の欠如を表しています。また、イエス様の行為に対する間違った解釈をも示しています。恐らく、彼らにはイエス様が無関心で思いやりのない方に映ったのでしょう。 -
But, trusting God means knowing God for who He is as He has revealed Himself to us in the Scriptures and in the person of Jesus Christ. Contrary to what the disciples thought of Jesus, He is indeed caring and loving
Whatever our situation is, God’s care remains. Our circumstances in life change, but He never changes. He will always love and care for us.
It means letting God take control of every situation – v.39
It’s so easy for us to fear or to panic. That is true not only in dangerous situations but also when we feel that we have no control over our situation.
私たちは容易く、恐怖やパニックに陥ります。私たちが危険な状況にいるときだけでなく、自分の状況をコントロールできないときにもそうなります。 -
But, the good news is: God is really the ONLY One in control! See what Jesus did to the howling wind and the boisterous sea.
しかし、良い知らせがあります:神様だけが、本当に全てをコントロールできる方なのです!今日の聖書の節でも触れたように、イエス様が嵐と海をコントロールしてくれました。 -
Actually, when we say, “I’m in control” it simply signifies a delegated and limited authority. In reality, God in His sovereignty, is the One who gives us the ability to exercise limited control. The Bible says, for example:
The best thing that we can do in any and every situation is to:
Humble ourselves and acknowledge that God is the true God and Lord of all who reigns supreme over all;
謙虚になり、神様が真の神様であること、そして全てを超越して最高峰に君臨する神様である事実を認めることです。 -
Submit to His will and plan in every situation;
どんな状況でも、神様のご意志とご計画に身をまかせることです。 -
Do everything we can and the best we can with the power, resources, time, skills and wisdom that He provides; and,
神様が与えてくれた力、能力、時間、スキル、知恵を余すことなく、私たちができる最善のことを全てやることです。 -
Rest in His promises and be at peace. For when we release control of any and every situation to God, we can be sure that He will do everything according to His plan and purpose. And, His purpose for us is good. It’s the best!
When we learn to put our trust in God, there is no place for paralyzing fear. In verse 40, Jesus noted their fear. It was the fear of danger or even death. However, in verse 41, they also “feared exceedingly.” It’s the fear of being in the presence of a holy and powerful God, who is able to save them. It means reverent fear. A healthy kind of fear that leads us to worship and acknowledge Him.
Do you fear? What is your fear? Put your trust in God and let Him take over the affairs of your life. Yes, let Him rule over your life and see how powerful, good and kind He is.
“With Christ in the vessel, you can smile at the storm”—if your faith is in Him and Him alone.