Before Jesus was crucified He had an interesting exchange with Pontius Pilate which climaxed with Pilate asking a superb question: “What is truth?” 「真理とは何か」 It’s a great question. Unfortunately Jesus didn’t answer the question. Or did he? We’ll come back to that later.
Our theme for this year is ‘In Christ’ キリストにあって and we are looking at what that means in many different areas of our lives – intellectually, spiritually and in practical terms. Today we’re going to look at Truth. We’re going to look at how being in the truth (in Christ) affects our lives in two ways.
1. Truth and obedience 真理と従順
Jesus said “If you love Me, you will keep My commands.” John 14:15
He also said, “Whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God. John 3:21
Obedience to the truth is not optional for the Christian. It is an essential part of loving Jesus and being in Christ.
When we seek to obey, we must obey in the truth. The question is, how do we know for sure what’s truth? How do we know what’s okay and what’s not okay?
There are three ways that we can check whether our obedience to Jesus is in the truth:
1. By our hearts. It says that when we are in Christ God’s laws are written in our hearts. Our conscience is clean to follow. The Spirit testifies in our hearts as to what is holy and what is not. Paul said, “I speak the truth in Christ—I am not lying, my conscience confirms it through the Holy Spirit.” Romans 9:1
私たちの心によって。私達がキリストにある時、神の律法は私達の心に刻まれている と言います。
私達の良心は清く従います。聖霊は私達の心に教えてくれます。汚れていないもの、 汚れているものを。
This is a valid approach to obeying the truth in Jesus.
1. Through other believers. When in doubt or for confirmation, it’s good to seek guidance through other believers whom we trust and uphold as mature in the faith. When Paul struggled with the circumcision issue, he took it to the elders in Jerusalem for a decision. Seeking the counsel of mature believers is a valid and healthy approach to obeying the truth in Jesus.
他のクリスチャン達を通して。疑問に思ったり確認したりする時、信仰に成熟してい る信頼のおけるそして支えてくれるクリスチャン達に導きを求めるのは良いことです
成熟したクリスチャン達の助言を求めるのは良いことであり、キリストにある真理に 従う健全なアプローチです。
The problem is, our hearts can be deceived.
The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it? Jeremiah 17:9
And even Christian elders can be in error.
When I saw that they were not acting in line with the truth of the gospel, I said to Cephas [Peter] in front of them all, “You are a Jew, yet you live like a Gentile and not like a Jew. How is it, then, that you force Gentiles to follow Jewish customs? Galatians 2:14
彼らが福音の真理に従ってまっすぐに歩いていないのを見て、わたしは衆人の面前でケパ[ペトロ」に言った、「あなたは、ユダヤ人であるのに、自分自身はユダヤ人のように生活しないで、異邦人のように生活していながら、どうして異邦人にユダヤ人のようになることをしいるのか」。 ガラテヤの信徒への手紙2:14
Good news: there is a third way. The third way to obey the truth in Jesus is by following the Bible. Our hearts and the advice of elders is good but it can also fallible. The instruction in the Word is infallible. Where scripture is clear, we don’t need to rely on our hearts or the guidance of others when it comes to obedience.
This might sound obvious but the heart is deceitful.
I was speaking to a Christian woman (not in this church) a while ago. She was commenting on a book that she had read. In the book was the testimony of a Christian woman who went right off the rails before coming back again to Christ. My friend said that that would never happen to her because the red flags (warning signs) were so obvious. When I gently pointed out a couple of very obvious red flags in her own life, she was completely unaware of them despite them being clearly written about in the Bible. The heart is deceitful.
Some time ago I was speaking to a man who professed to be a Christian and his Bible knowledge was extraordinary. He said to me, “I’m leaving my wife for my girlfriend. What do you think?” What do I think? It doesn’t matter what I think! It only matters what God thinks. God has already made it very, very clear on the matter in His Word. But the heart is easily deceived.
The apostle Peter wrote about these people:
Many will follow their depraved conduct and will bring the way of truth into disrepute. 2 Peter 2:2
There’s value in following our conscience and there’s even greater value in seeking the counsel of elders in uncertain matters.
But if we want to live in the Truth, there is no greater foundation than the Word of God. Know it well. Delight in it. Obey it. Because by obeying the Word, you show your love for Jesus.
So one way that our lives are affected by living in the truth is that we live lives of obedience.
The second way that our lives are affected by living in the truth is by relationship.
2.Truth and Relationship 真理と関係
As we study the Bible, we accumulate knowledge because we want to know the truth. We want to live upright, obedient lives. But however much we learn about God’s truth it doesn’t quite satisfy. It still leaves us looking for answers and with a deeper longing for more. Why is this?
Because the truth is not merely a set of instructions to obey or principles to follow.
The truth is a person.
Jesus said “I am the way the truth and the life” (John 14:6). イエスは彼に言われた、「わたしは道であり、真理であり、命である。ヨハネによる福音書 (This, by the way, is the answer to Pilate’s question. What is truth? You’re looking at it.)
The truth is a person. We can know all about that person but until we know that person for ourselves then we’re always going to be looking for answers, we’re always going to be longing for more.
Look at Job. He knew all about God. He could speak about God so eloquently. He was well-versed, he was clever, he was experienced and he was wise. But even so he couldn’t make sense of his life. He had so many questions. Chapters of questions. And then he encountered God. In the light of that encounter, some of his questions were answered but most just became irrelevant.
Jesus said much the same:イエスは同じことを言われました:
You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. These are the very Scriptures that testify about me, yet you refuse to come to me to have life. John 5:39,40
あなたがたは、聖書の中に永遠の命があると思って調べているが、この聖書は、わたしについてあかしをするものである。 しかも、あなたがたは、命を得るためにわたしのもとにこようともしない。ヨハネによる福音書5:39,40
The truth of the scriptures point us to the living Truth who is Jesus. This means our Christians lives must transcend an academic head knowledge of the truth – which is important – and must become an experiential knowledge of the heart. Head and heart. Knowledge and a relational experience. Just like faith and deeds, you can’t have one without the other if you want to live a life in Christ.
Those who live a Christian life that is all knowledge and no experience end up with no relationship and are in danger of knowing all about God but never knowing Him.
Those who live a Christian life that is all experience and no knowledge are in danger and vulnerable to all sorts of weird teachings that are outside of the Bible.
The early church knew and experienced God. It was evident that they were experiencing God.
Their Christian experience went beyond a head knowledge. Once you experience God, the unanswered questions you may have about Him and about your own life are sometimes answered but more often than not, like Job, those questions simply don’t matter any more.
It’s important that we experience God for ourselves. Seeking to experience God is different from seeking spiritual experiences even if they’re Biblical experiences. In seeking spiritual experiences we prioritise the experience and that is wrong and can be harmful. In seeking to experience God, we prioritise God and a having a relationship with Him.
I want to qualify this again. The righteous live by faith, not by experience. And the heart of the Christian faith is the death and resurrection of Jesus, not the works that followed. But as we seek God in Christ He promises to meet with us, He promises to fill us with His Holy Spirit. We’re told to seek first the Kingdom of God and to see it manifest here on earth (“Your Kingdom come”).
If you’re hungry for more of God – you want more than the head knowledge, you want to experience the presence and workings of the Holy Spirit in your life, pray with me.
Jesus taught us: “How much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!” Luke 11:13b
Pray with me at the end of the service for the Holy Spirit to impact your life.
Jesus said the truth will set you free. He wasn’t talking about a set of principles. He was talking about Himself.