Loving God, Making Disciples, Blessing All
Who We Are
Minoh International Church is an international, interdenominational Christian (Protestant) church with services in English and Japanese.
We are a community of people who have been changed by Jesus Christ or are seeking to know what the Christian faith is all about.
We come from dozens of different countries – often from very different cultural, linguistic and denominational backgrounds yet we have a unity and joy in the Christian faith we share.
What We Believe 私たちが信じていること
We believe –
- There is one God — God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit
おひとりの神が父・御子 ・聖霊として存在しておられることを信じています。 - In the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ the Son of God — we believe in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His vicarious and atoning death, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, His constant intercession and in His imminent return
神の御子、主イエス·キリスト – 私たちはイエス様の処女懐胎、罪のない生活、様々な奇跡、身代わりと償いの死、そして、身体の復活後、天昇し、全能の父なる神の右に着かれ、今なお続く仲裁そして再臨を信じています。 - In the person and work of the Holy Spirit with His fruits and gifts available in the Church
聖霊のたまものと実そして、教会に聖霊による働きかけがあることを信じています。 - The Bible is the living word of God — infallible, authoritative and everlasting, and the foundation of all Christian doctrine
聖書は神の生きた御言葉です。絶対に確実で、権威があり、永遠、そしてすべてのキリスト教の教義の基盤であることを信じています。 - In the existence of an evil spiritual being — the devil
邪悪な悪魔の霊的存在を信じています。 - In the spiritually lost condition of all people and the essential need for the “new birth” by faith in Jesus Christ
すべての霊的に失われた状態の人々が、主イエス·キリストを信じる信仰によって、「新しい誕生」を必要としていることを信じています。 - In the sacraments of the Lord’s Supper and baptism by full immersion in water for all believers
すべての信者は水での完全な浸漬による洗礼と、聖餐式を聖礼典として行います。 - In the resurrection of both the saved and the lost, the one to everlasting life and the other to everlasting separation from God
再臨では、神によって救われたもの、そして、そうでないものも復活しますが、一つは永遠の命へ、もう一つは神から永遠の分離へと行く事を信じています。 - In the church being the body of Christ, and each member being an active part of a local church, fulfilling the Great Commission
Church Services 礼拝
Worship Service 礼拝 (Sunday 日曜日 10:30am~)
- Contemporary yet Christ-centered & Bible-based services with great music and inspiring messages
新しいスタイルの礼拝と賛美歌そして共感を得るお話 - Over a dozen nationalities attending
12カ国以上の信者の方々が参加しています - Sunday School and Nursery for kids
子供達のための日曜学校 - Youth Group 青年会 (Friday 金曜日 7:00 ~ 9:00pm)
ユースグループ(青年会) - Evening Bible Study and Prayer Meetings
English School 英会話
- 幼児クラス (4才~)
- 小学生クラス (6吋-12吋)
- 中学生クラス
- 高校生・大人クラス
箕面国際教会2・3F (月曜~土曜)
TESOL 資格者がレベルに合わせて丁寧に指導
★入会金無料 無料体験できます (要予約)
¥15000 4x a month 月4回15000円
No entrance fee! 入学費0円!
算数と理科 Family discounts available! 家族割引が利用可能!
Leadership Team リーダーシップ・チーム

Joseph Ricohermoso
Pastor Joseph is from the Philippines and is a husband to Jo Ann and a father of three. He has come to Japan with the hope of proclaiming the good news of God’s love and salvation through Jesus Christ. He enjoys listening to classical music and jazz, reading the latest news stories, and being close to nature.
Andrew Morrison
Finance Ministry
Andrew is the gentleman on the team.Although he is new to the team, he and his family have been part of the church family for 3 years and he brings calm to what can sometimes be a chaotic environment.
Hanna Morrison
Finance Ministry/Japanese Affairs
Hanna is an all-round champion. She can sing, dance and do anything related to music. She is always ready to lend a helping hand where needed and puts her heart and soul into everything she does at church. With Andrew, she has been a valuable part of the Sunday School leadership as well.
Imee Manulat
Children’s Ministry Coordinator
Imee is the one you go to when you need help with anything. She is always ready to help out and especially when it comes to the Kids Ministry, Imee has a heart made for this. It is her calling and she does it with the utmost passion and dedication. It’s difficult to imagine things functioning without Imee.
Bradley Mawer
Translation Ministry Coordinator/ Evangelism Ministry
Bradley loves having a good time and to get him to be serious even for 2 minutes is a challenge. However, that’s what he enjoys the most – challenges. He likes to make sure that we are all having a good time while serving God and serving the Church.
Lloyd Belleza
Fellowship Ministry Coordinator/Auditor
Lloyd can do anything. If you want something done, talk to Lloyd. His reach goes beyond his Ministries to touch everyone at church. Be it the Youth Group, Young Adults, Technical Support, words of wisdom, suggestions, brilliant ideas, all of that falls under Lloyd’s domain.
Jo Ann Ricohermoso
Worship Ministry Coordinator, MIC Eikaiwa Coordinator
Jo-Ann brings the love and the care that sustains us. She is caring and loving and besides being a big help and support to Pastor, she always has our backs and takes care of all of us and makes sure that we are all mentally and physically in the best shape to serve God. Jo-Ann is the pillar of the group.
Pierre Babineau
Church Maintenance; Music & General Affairs
Pierre has been the rock of MIC for a long time now. He has been with us through all the changes that we’ve been through and is the one we go to when something or anything is not ‘right’. Leave it to Pierre and he will work his magic. A reliable hand and an ‘in-tune’ ear.
Mutsumi Moreno
Thank You for Your Service
Mutsumi-san has been a faithful leader at MIC for the last year and a half. She is always so enthusiastic to serve the Lord and has a real passion for more Japanese people to come to know the real true God. Sadly, Mutsumi-san will be moving to the US from March, 2022. We will miss you and we thank you for your love, dedication and service. God bless you and may God continue to use you for his glory.
Location 地図・アクセス
Minoh International Church
3F 3-1-1 Aogein, Minoh
箕面市粟生外院 3-1-1 3F
Pastor Joseph Ricohermoso
牧師 ジョセフ リコヘルモソ
Telephone: 072-702-0207
Mobile: 080-5029-2540
Open Google Map.
Access by car:
Paid parking available across the street. Contact us for additional details or options.
Access by bus:
From Kita-senri and Senri-chuo take Hankyu bus #s 30, 51, 53, 55, 56, 59, 64, 66, 79, 92 to the Shinke bus stop at Onohara, Minoh (about 5 mins on the bus). The Shinke bus stop is the one after Minoh Bochimae. Right near there you will see an intersection with a Honda used car dealer on one corner and a Toyota Used car dealer on the other corner. Head up that road for 600 metres and we are on the right corner of the first set of traffic lights. (You’ll see a Sugi Drugstore about 400m up, formerly Peacock supermarket, and we’re about 200m after that.) We’re on the second/third floor of the building at the stoplight. Look for the cross on the building and the sign in the window.
Offerings 献金
All donations received at MIC (including Sunday Offerings) are used to cover the MIC Church expenses and to fund MIC Ministries. In addition, we also provide monetary and other support to the following International Ministries.
- Deaf Ministries International (https://deafmin.org)
- Campus Ministry Philippines (Bro. JoBoy) (https://www.everynation.org.ph/campus-ministry/)
If you would like to give to the church through bank transfer, please use the following information.
Direct deposit to our church’s bank account
Name of Bank: Japan Post Bank
Ordinary Deposit Account Name: ミノオコクサイキョウカイ
Branch: 408
Account No.: 6463748
銀行振込で教会に寄付したい場合は、以下の情報をご利用ください。 教会の銀行口座への直接預金
One word. Community!
We were designed and made for community. It’s not just about meeting together.
It’s about sharing our lives together. I have never experienced a greater feeling of ‘family’ or ‘belonging’, than during my time at MIC. It was so enriching to be part of this Christ-centered community; encouraging me, building me up to a point where I could encourage others and help build up others! Christianity is not a solo journey. We need each other to move forward in worshiping God. And wow, the fun we had! The music, the games, the performances, and of course the sermons. Ultimately though, it was about standing together, as one body (the church), in complete adoration for our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. And I can not thank the Lord enough for the amazing people at MIC that stood beside me….. daily!
”And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching” (Hebrews 10:24-25)
-Daryl & Jayne, New Zealand-
At Minoh International Church the environment was so warm, even though the number of the attendees were not that many, they were consistant, and quite international. Everyone was so special. I have really nice and warm memories of you. I have been hearing about the church from the weekly emails. Lots have been changed since.
For your encouragement, I would like to share Philippians 4:7, Psalm 18:1-2 and say ” Don`t give up! 🙂
May God Bless you all!
-Hishige, Mongolia-
‘We are all one in Christ.‘ (Galatians 3:28) This is a wonderful truth which we really felt we could experience in Minoh International Church. In a small church there can be no separation based on culture, race, interests etc. It was wonderful to be able to share both during and after the service together purely as people who love Christ. In a big church this is a challenge as it is so easy for separation leading to perceived separatism to occur.
In the same way there is something special about sharing a meal together, Jesus chose to share his last supper with the disciples, in Acts the believers in the early church ate together. There is a wonderful atmosphere when you share what you have in a Potluck meal, people bring and share what they can and in this sharing friendship and humility develops.
Minoh International Church has an unwaning heart for the community. People may come to a church service and then not again but that doesn’t discourage or stop the church’s mission into the community. When Jesus preached thousands followed him but only a few were genuine believers but this didn’t discourage Jesus – he still fed them all (Jesus feeds the five thousand). When only one leper of the ten that were healed came back to say thank you Jesus didn’t give up on us. It is a real encouragement to have unconditional love for those around us to love without expecting anything in return.
In the same way everyone is welcome at Minoh International Church. Christian Life is real, it is not a performance. We really appreciated the way the church service mirrored this. Children were welcomed in the service just as Jesus said “let the little children come to me”. Everyone had a genuine love of Christ.
-Ross & Dale, New Zealand-
My fondest memories of Minoh International Church are the wonderful friendships that we made with people from all over the globe and realizing that we were indeed brothers and sisters in Christ regardless of ethnicity, language and denominational background. This gave us a perspective that allows us to now minister with more confidence to all sorts of people. I hope that we can stay connected to those wonderful friends that we made. We really enjoy reading the weekly sermon notes and are thrilled to know that the church is still going from strength to strength. We do pray consistently for you.
When I look at the photo made shortly before we left Minoh International Church it is difficult not to just stop and sit down with it remembering each person pictured. The people I got to know there are my greatest memory. We were all so different in most ways, bringing our different expectations of a worship service and never finding it quite like what we were so familiar with “back home.” I learned a lot about myself and my cultural expectations of “church.” When I couldn’t recreate the familiar experience that I missed, I had to drop away all the behaviors of my previous church experience and just concentrate on my relationship with God. I often tell people here what a blessing it was to finally realize that what we all had in common was our love of Jesus. What we agreed upon was that we needed to pray, to read and study His word and to try to share His love with others around us. I loved the feeling of being a sister of someone from another continent that looked only a little like me, and even though talking or singing together might be a challenge, I could really sense our kinship because of Jesus. This is a message I frequently find myself trying to express to people here. Often our churches are just composed of people who look and think pretty much the same way. My time with Minoh International Church forced me to peel away most of the cultural expectations of worshipping and concentrate on Who we worship.
-Bill and Brenda, United States-
Minoh International Church was an oasis for us during our time of stay in Japan. The fellowship proved that God is the God of all nations regardless of the place and environment you are in. The families and friends that we met were sources of strength and encouragement especially as we were isolated from our comfort zone. Minoh International Church became a family to us. We are also grateful for the opportunity given to us to serve the Lord while we were there.
-Alvin and Jo, Philippines-